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Showing posts from May, 2024

Javascript For Google Fusion Table Layers Working But Trying To Tidy Code

I'm creating a map using Google Fusion Tables. It has several layers that are displayed or hidd… Read more Javascript For Google Fusion Table Layers Working But Trying To Tidy Code

D3.js Version 6: Loading A Csv And Changing Variable Types

I am relatively new to D3.js (version 6). I am successfully able to load the following .csv 'pr… Read more D3.js Version 6: Loading A Csv And Changing Variable Types

Javascript Nameof Object Property

In C# there is the posibility to get the name of an object property as a string value. nameof(objec… Read more Javascript Nameof Object Property

Open A Specific Accordion Panel With An External Anchor Link

I have a bootstrap accordion setup and working fine. I need to have links on external pages which… Read more Open A Specific Accordion Panel With An External Anchor Link

Function(e){e.something...} What Is E?

When I write $('#new_lang').click(function(e) { alert('something'); e.stopProp… Read more Function(e){e.something...} What Is E?

How To Send Image From Image Uri Through Http Request? (react Native And Django Backend)

I’m using Expo’s image picker and I’m getting this output: Object { 'cancelled': false, … Read more How To Send Image From Image Uri Through Http Request? (react Native And Django Backend)

Removing Element From Object Array With Linq.js

I have started using linq.js a while ago, and found it very useful, but there's an issue I real… Read more Removing Element From Object Array With Linq.js

$(window).bind('beforeunload' Not Working When Calling A Function First

I have tried using this script: Read more $(window).bind('beforeunload' Not Working When Calling A Function First

Property 'style' Does Not Exist On Type 'element'

here the code function showTab(n) { // This function will display the specified tab of the form… Read more Property 'style' Does Not Exist On Type 'element'

Trailing Slash Remove In

I want to go to a particular div on my home page itself when select on change event. I want result … Read more Trailing Slash Remove In

How To Define A Custom Binding Who Use Previous Value To Determine Class In Knockout?

I need to bind a table with knockout, and I would like the table cell to get a different css class … Read more How To Define A Custom Binding Who Use Previous Value To Determine Class In Knockout?

Form Event Onsave Not Executing Promise

I have a web resource in Dynamics CRM where I am trying to add logic to execute on save. I am usin… Read more Form Event Onsave Not Executing Promise

No Saving Or Outputting Is Possible In Javascript?

In this question I just learned how to illicit one desired element out of a Google translate page. … Read more No Saving Or Outputting Is Possible In Javascript?

Database Session Support In Nodejs/express

Does expressjs/nodejs have support (via a module?) for database sessions? I come from the world of … Read more Database Session Support In Nodejs/express

Jquery Ui Dialog: Close When Click Outside

I have a jQuery UI Dialog. I tried implementing the '$('.ui-widget-overlay').bind('… Read more Jquery Ui Dialog: Close When Click Outside

How Do I Print The Value Of All Properties In An Object In Javascript?

i want to use a for in oop to get the value of all the properties but do not know how. The tutoria… Read more How Do I Print The Value Of All Properties In An Object In Javascript?

How Do I Fix Lightbox2 Problems Using $.noconflict()?

I've imported images to my site. I want to open these images with lightbox2. I've installed… Read more How Do I Fix Lightbox2 Problems Using $.noconflict()?

Absolute Div Keeps On Flickering If I Move My Mouse

Here is what i have achieved so far: A div will appear on the pointer of my mouse if i will move m… Read more Absolute Div Keeps On Flickering If I Move My Mouse

Addthis Buttons Are Disappeared?

In my backbone application I have used addthis button. My problem is that when i navigate the appli… Read more Addthis Buttons Are Disappeared?

D3 Js Collapsible Chart Increasing The Arc Curve Radius

I am new to D3js. I am displaying the json in collapsible tree. The tree is displaying fine but the… Read more D3 Js Collapsible Chart Increasing The Arc Curve Radius

D3js Scatter Plot Auto Update Doesnt Work

Need some help figuring out how to auto update 3djs scatter plot. The code looks fine ,however, whe… Read more D3js Scatter Plot Auto Update Doesnt Work

Jquery Remove() Equivalent In Pure Js?

I try to remove jquery code and convert it to pure js //old code in jquery const item = $('[typ… Read more Jquery Remove() Equivalent In Pure Js?

Check Duplicate Values Between Multiple Inputs And Show Error Message

I have list of inputs from an array created via ng-repeat. I want to check if there are any duplica… Read more Check Duplicate Values Between Multiple Inputs And Show Error Message

How To Inject Javascript In Webbrowser Control?

I've tried this: string newScript = textBox1.Text; HtmlElement head = browserCtrl.Document.GetE… Read more How To Inject Javascript In Webbrowser Control?

Why Does My Jquery Ajax Function Always Return False?

function check_username(){ $.ajax({ type: 'POST', dataType: 'json&#… Read more Why Does My Jquery Ajax Function Always Return False?

Angularjs And Typescript - Injecting Services

I have been writing AngularJS apps for awhile now, but Typescript is new to me, and then adding in … Read more Angularjs And Typescript - Injecting Services

I Got Jquery Errors Randomly

I made website with jQuery and Javascript. I noticed that sometimes the JS file are not loading wel… Read more I Got Jquery Errors Randomly

Event Listener Fires On Wrong Target / Function Executes At The Wrong Time

I'm having a problem with an event listener which is firing on the wrong object. To see it, ple… Read more Event Listener Fires On Wrong Target / Function Executes At The Wrong Time

Getting Other Account's Followers Count By Using Instagram Api

I want to show lists of famous Instagram Users with their followers count and profile pictures in m… Read more Getting Other Account's Followers Count By Using Instagram Api

Jquery Detect Bootstrap 3 State

In Bootstrap 3, there are 4 states; extra small devices, small devices, medium devices, and large d… Read more Jquery Detect Bootstrap 3 State

Grabbing Hash From Url?

I want it so that if someone visits: It puts the data after the hash into… Read more Grabbing Hash From Url?

Problem With Display Error Message In Span Element When Validation

Could you suggest how to show the error message not after element with id #genderError but insert i… Read more Problem With Display Error Message In Span Element When Validation

Jquery Dropdown Menu With Settimeout Does Not Work

I know this questions being asked many times already but I can not make my drop down menu work with… Read more Jquery Dropdown Menu With Settimeout Does Not Work

How To Find Whether Current Td Is Last Td In Tr

I have a single row and multiple s in it. In one of my functions I come across a situation where I … Read more How To Find Whether Current Td Is Last Td In Tr

Angularjs/ui Bootstrap - Fading Out Alert On Remove

I am using Angular with UI Bootstrap. I've created the custom directive that pushes broadcasted… Read more Angularjs/ui Bootstrap - Fading Out Alert On Remove

Make Sure First Ajax Function Finishes Before Second One

I have a JavaScript function that makes two consecutive Ajax requests using jQuery. I want to make… Read more Make Sure First Ajax Function Finishes Before Second One

Google Cloud Dialogflow Intent Detection Nodejs Example Not Working

I am trying to implement a very simple dialogflow agent integration with nodejs. Here is what I did… Read more Google Cloud Dialogflow Intent Detection Nodejs Example Not Working

Toggle Div Javascript

I have some divs on my page that when a link is clicked they need to toggle (show/hide) JS var stat… Read more Toggle Div Javascript

Ext Js - El.ownerdocument.createrange() Errors In Ie 8

HI, I am trying to dynamically add a form to a tab in Ext-js. (the tab has already been rendered). … Read more Ext Js - El.ownerdocument.createrange() Errors In Ie 8

Change Map Opacity Outside Circle Of Google Maps Javascript Api V3

So I'm currently putting a circle on my map: var optionsCercle = { center: latlang,… Read more Change Map Opacity Outside Circle Of Google Maps Javascript Api V3

How To Open Mailto Link In Chrome With Without Creating A New Tab?

I am creating a Google Chrome extension and am trying to open a custom url scheme with (… Read more How To Open Mailto Link In Chrome With Without Creating A New Tab?

Detect Xhr Error Is Really Due To Browser Stop Or Click To New Page

While my page is loading content via XHR, if the user clicks the stop button or clicks to go to ano… Read more Detect Xhr Error Is Really Due To Browser Stop Or Click To New Page

How To Convert Png To Gif Using Javascript Or Other Client-side Tech?

I have a combination of client-side technologies creating PNG data in the browser. Is there a way t… Read more How To Convert Png To Gif Using Javascript Or Other Client-side Tech?

Nodejs Mongodb Dynamic Collection Name

I have several mongodb collections, Fruits: [ {}, {}, {} ...], Bread: [{}, {}, {} ...] I want t… Read more Nodejs Mongodb Dynamic Collection Name

Whats The Difference Between Nextelementsibling Vs Nextsibling

Although I seem to get strange results occasionally these seem to me to be the same so can someone … Read more Whats The Difference Between Nextelementsibling Vs Nextsibling

How To Access Fields Of A Couchdb Document

I have defined a permits field for a couchdb document like below. I cannot access permits content b… Read more How To Access Fields Of A Couchdb Document

How To Deal With Repeated Letters In A Javascript Hangman Game

I am a beginner to html, css and javascript, and I am creating this hangman game using these, which… Read more How To Deal With Repeated Letters In A Javascript Hangman Game

How To Calculate Summation Same Id Of Two Products From Cloned Input Values Jquery

How to do each summation of class three of the products. Here is my similar work. How to do summati… Read more How To Calculate Summation Same Id Of Two Products From Cloned Input Values Jquery

Effects Of Javascript Not Work In Ajax Reply

I am new in AJAX. I have searched a lot on Internet but only got basic AJAX steps. Now I am writing… Read more Effects Of Javascript Not Work In Ajax Reply

Build Nested Object In Javascript

I trying to build a nested object, I'll try to make myself clear. I have this json structure: … Read more Build Nested Object In Javascript

Javascript Oop In Nodejs: How?

I am used to the classical OOP as in Java. What are the best practices to do OOP in JavaScript usin… Read more Javascript Oop In Nodejs: How?

Expression Before Return Of A Method In React

I have a method in my render method render(){ const { x } = this.state; return( {t… Read more Expression Before Return Of A Method In React