Effects Of Javascript Not Work In Ajax Reply
Solution 1:
The new HTML you're adding to the DOM (page) didn't exist when your jquery ran the first time and bound events to elements on the page. You're probably using $("something").click(...) or .bind("click", ...). Instead of these use the delegate function from jquery. Delegate is generally more flexible and faster than live. For instance you can not stopPropagation in a 'live' binding.
Why Delegate is better than Live
Here is another SO answer that explains the benefits of delegate
Solution 2:
What's most likely happening is that your events are getting unbound because you update the DOM with new elements. The easiest solution is to use the live method to bind to events : http://api.jquery.com/live/
Or you can simply rebind the events to the elements after insertion to the DOM just as easily.
As user kasdega points out, another alternative is to use delegate : http://api.jquery.com/delegate/ Delegate works by using the bound root elements as the context to rebind events to DOM elements that may appear in the future.
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