How To Send Image From Image Uri Through Http Request? (react Native And Django Backend)
Solution 1:
Another option is to convert your image to base64 and send the string. Downsize is that usually the base64 strings has a bigger size than the image itself.
Something like this:
functionreadImage(url, callback) {
var request = newXMLHttpRequest();
request.onload = function() {
var file = newFileReader();
file.onloadend = function() {
};'GET', url);
request.responseType = 'blob';
Solution 2:
It has to be a local URI, there's no issues with that, how else are you going to point to the image.
Now to upload the image you should first wrap it inside of FormData:
// add this just above the axios requestlet img = new FormData();
img.append('file', { uri: imageUri });
Then inside of your axios request body add:
image: img,
EDIT: This question in it's current form is unanswerable.
I'm using the same Expo’s image picker with React-native in one of my projects as OP and everything works just fine, there's no issues with FormData.
After having talked with OP in a stackoverflow chat, couple of days ago, and stripping the request down to just an image, the server started throwing encoding errors:
UnicodeDecodeError:'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xff in position 168: invalid start byte
So the issue is with OP's Django backend not being setup correctly in parsing the image, and not with the sending of the image itself - which makes the question unanswerable.
Solution 3:
you cant use react-native-fetch-blob .....
importRNFetchBlobfrom" react-native-fetch-blob"PostRequest(PATH){
RNFetchBlob.fetch('POST', "[URL]", {
"x-session-id": "SESSION_ID", //or Custom headers'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data',
}, [
{ name: 'image', filename: 'vid.jpeg', data: RNFetchBlob.wrap(PATH) },
// custom content type
]).then((res) => {
.catch((err) => {
// error handling ..
for reference react-native-fetch-blob
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