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Post Selected Items To Table

I have a results list produced by a search. Each item has a check box. What I want to do is post the selected items to a different table. Here is the code that displays the data:

Solution 1:

In table definition (I assume that $campaignid is campaignid, change mylist to whatever you want):

<table id="mylist" data-campaignId="<?=$campaignid?>" class="table sortable no-margin" cellspacing="0" width="100%">

In your loop set data for client

<?php foreach($r->result() as $row) : ?>
    <tr data-clientid="$row->id"> 
      <td class="th table-check-cell">
        <input type="checkbox" name="selected[]" class="checkbox">
      <!---other td here -->
<?php endforeach;?>
<!--button to post all selected items -->
<button id="post_diff_table">POST selected</button>


$(function() {
$('#post_diff_table').click(function() {
    var table = $('table#mylist');
    var campagnid ='campaignId');
    //Array of checked client ids
    var checked_clients = $.map(table.find('tr td.table-check-cell input:checked'), function(e) {
        return $(e).parents('tr').data('clientid');
    if (checked_clients.length === 0) {return false;}
    //call the controller
    $.post('/ajaxmodals/campaign_post_to_other_table', {
        campagnid: campagnid,
        clients: checked_clients
    }, function(data) {
        //process response

in controller:

function campaign_post_to_other_table()
   /* @var Array */
   $clients = $this->input->post('clients');
   foreach ($clients as $client_id) {
     /* sql insertion code here 
        or call  $this->campaign_model->add_user_to_campaign for each clientid

The answer is not the copy-pastable code, as i have no idea of your project internals, but you should get the idea.

the suggestions on other code: do not do this in js:
$.post('/ajaxmodals/campaign_subscriber_add', { 
            clientid : cid,
            campaignid : <?=$r->id?>

get the campaignid from table data as in my sample

do not do this:

$("#subscriberList").append('<li id="''"><a href="/client/view/'+data.clientid+'">''</a><span style="display: inline; float: right" onclick="javascript:delete_subscriber(\'''\')">delete</span></li>');

compose element in js, add event handlers, etc. your way make you to use to much global functions and make the code unreadable.

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