Could Not Group By List Item In Javascript Object
I have a javascript object as below and i am trying to group by item. rfinOu=[ { 'pid': 34, 'ava': 30 }, { 'pid': 45, 'ava': 30 }, { 'pid': 32, 'ava': 60 }
Solution 1:
There is an alternative.
var out = rfinOu.reduce(function (p, c) {
var key = c.ava;
p[key] = p[key] || { count: 0, pids: [] };
return p;
}, {});
This will get you an object with ava
"30": { "count": 2, "pids": [ 34, 45 ] },
"60": { "count": 1, "pids": [ 32 ] },
To get that into an array of objects like the one in your example, just loop over the object keys.
var arr = Object.keys(out).map(function(el) {
return {
ava: el, count: out[el].count,
pids: out[el].pids
To get the following output:
{ "ava": "30", "count": 2, "pids": [ 34, 45 ] },
{ "ava": "60", "count": 1, "pids": [ 32 ] },
Solution 2:
Here you have an example code with a Pids Array instead an Object:
var rfinOu=[
{ "pid": 34, "ava": 30 },
{ "pid": 45, "ava": 30 },
{ "pid": 32, "ava": 60 }
var final = [];
var indexes = {};
var position;
if( indexes.hasOwnProperty(item.ava) ){
position = final.length;
indexes[item.ava] = position;
final[position] = {ava: item.ava, count: 1};
final[position].Pids = [];
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