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How To Find Whether Current Td Is Last Td In Tr

I have a single row and multiple s in it. In one of my functions I come across a situation where I have to find out whether my currentSelectedTD is the last in

Solution 1:

You can use .next() to check if the element has the immediately following sibling.

if( $(currentSelectedTD).next().length == 0) {
    // is last 

Solution 2:

Think you should do :last filter on the full set and store the result in a variable. Then do a loop through the set and compare each one with the one you stored.

Solution 3:


//do what ever you want


$lastTd = $('.currentSelectedTD').parent('tr').find('td:last')

Solution 4:

You can check for this quite easily, and without tapping into jQuery:

var isLastChild = currentSelectedTD.parentNode.lastElementChild == currentSelectedTD;

This has the advantage of being both native DOM and simple, however it would only work on a modern browser (e.g. needs IE9). You can tweak it to work with anything, but then it wouldn't be an one-liner.

Solution 5:

You just need to use:


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