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Showing posts from May, 2023

Nesting Array Of Elements As Children Of Each Other

What should the implementation of nestify() be to make following components equivalent to each othe… Read more Nesting Array Of Elements As Children Of Each Other 1 Element To Multiple Element

I have [3, 16, 120]. when I do [3, 16, 120].map(mapper), I want to achieve, for example [4,5, 17,1… Read more 1 Element To Multiple Element

How To Change A Form Input Text To Uppercase Using A Javascript Function

I'm trying to change a form input field (username) to uppercase and to remove all spaces within… Read more How To Change A Form Input Text To Uppercase Using A Javascript Function

Google Maps Api: What Are Xa And Pa In Get Bounds?

The Api reference tells me that getBounds() returns the coordinates for SW and NE extremes. When I … Read more Google Maps Api: What Are Xa And Pa In Get Bounds?

Sapui5/javascript How To Convert Binary Data To Readable Format And Download As Pdf

Im getting Binary data from OData Service.Can someone please help me how to convert Binary data to … Read more Sapui5/javascript How To Convert Binary Data To Readable Format And Download As Pdf

Fetching Data With Hooks

I'm having a hard time to wrap my head around the best way to fetch data from an API only once … Read more Fetching Data With Hooks

How To Make Twitter Streaming Apis Work With Jsoauth?

As has been noted in the answer to my prior question: Twitter APIs : update working, but filter doe… Read more How To Make Twitter Streaming Apis Work With Jsoauth?

Casperjs Running Out Of Memory

I'm running the following script with CasperJS and after about 1/3rd of the way through the arr… Read more Casperjs Running Out Of Memory

Cors Post With Preflight Request

I'm trying to upload files to a service on a different domain using CORS, but they keep failing… Read more Cors Post With Preflight Request

Join Array Objects Into A String

I have an array like this var Data = [{ 'words': [ 'dolor', 'sit', … Read more Join Array Objects Into A String

Cross-browser Event Handling

I need a cross-browser function for registering event handlers and a (mostly) consistent handler ex… Read more Cross-browser Event Handling

Redux Performance With Large Objects

I am using Redux and React to build a web application. My application is an analytics application t… Read more Redux Performance With Large Objects

One Of Multiple Tasks Operated By Button Won't Execute

I'm having problems with one of multiple tasks being executed by a button. The button executes … Read more One Of Multiple Tasks Operated By Button Won't Execute

Game Of Life: Cannot Read Property 'state' Of Undefined

SITUATION: I create a few dots and click on Start. The error pops a million times (logical since th… Read more Game Of Life: Cannot Read Property 'state' Of Undefined

How Do I Put An Object(associatvie Array) In An Object(associatve Array)

Here is my third mis-guided attempt: var check = { pattern : patterns = { name: /^[a-zA-Z… Read more How Do I Put An Object(associatvie Array) In An Object(associatve Array)

What's The Difference Between "lexicalenvironment" And "variableenvironment" In Spec

I'm reading the ECMAScript 2015 specification, and the terms 'LexicalEnvironment' and &… Read more What's The Difference Between "lexicalenvironment" And "variableenvironment" In Spec

Unable To Display Contact Photo In Phonegap Through Angularjs

I am able to fetch and display the contact photo from simple html and javascript but when I use ang… Read more Unable To Display Contact Photo In Phonegap Through Angularjs

Asynchronous Behavior And Callbacks In Javascript

I was hopping around various websites but couldn't understand how callbacks make javascript asy… Read more Asynchronous Behavior And Callbacks In Javascript

Why Does The Value Returned Should Be On The Same Line As The Return Statement In Javascript?

The following doesn't work as I would expect it to: function test() { // Returns undefined, e… Read more Why Does The Value Returned Should Be On The Same Line As The Return Statement In Javascript?

Js/jquery Get Httprequest Request Headers?

Using getAllResponseHeaders in the xhr object, is possible to get all the response headers after an… Read more Js/jquery Get Httprequest Request Headers?

Cloud Code Function Running Twice

I have written a cloud function that is working well. Sometimes this function is being executed mor… Read more Cloud Code Function Running Twice

Polymer: How To Watch For Change In Properties

I'm just starting to learn Polymer. Here is a generic version of my polymer element: Read more Polymer: How To Watch For Change In Properties

Spawning A Child Process With Tty In Node.js

I am trying to do some work on a remote server using ssh--and ssh is called on the local machine fr… Read more Spawning A Child Process With Tty In Node.js

How To String Replace A Symbol From Array And Split?

I have $dataSavedBlocks = get_user_meta( $user_id, 'jsonBlock'); var_dump($dataSavedBlocks)… Read more How To String Replace A Symbol From Array And Split?

I Couldn't Understand The Y-combinator, So I Tried To Implement It And Ended Up With Something Shorter, Which Worked. How Is That Possible?

I couldn't understand the Y-combinator, so I tried to implement a function that enabled recursi… Read more I Couldn't Understand The Y-combinator, So I Tried To Implement It And Ended Up With Something Shorter, Which Worked. How Is That Possible?

Php Script To Calculate Form Values With Default Values Maybe Using If And Else Statements On Submit. To Page2.php

update for j_s_stack i have added most of the code here for you to see the calculations the script … Read more Php Script To Calculate Form Values With Default Values Maybe Using If And Else Statements On Submit. To Page2.php

D3js Updates Only Once

I have a visualization task that I need to make it done with d3.js. Here's my code. … Read more D3js Updates Only Once

Why Does This Work In Jsfiddle But Not In My Document

I found a wonderful jsfiddle that someone has made and wanted to use part of it in my project: http… Read more Why Does This Work In Jsfiddle But Not In My Document

Jest Manual Mocking A Package Requiring New Instance

I'm trying to use Jest manual mock to mock the behaviour of a package X used in a project. The… Read more Jest Manual Mocking A Package Requiring New Instance

Selected Options Disappear In A Multiple Drop-down Select Tag With Scroll Bar In Html

I have the following multiple drop down select tag So whenever I select an option the text toward… Read more Selected Options Disappear In A Multiple Drop-down Select Tag With Scroll Bar In Html

Can Javascript Run Multiple Functions At Once?

Is it possible to call multiple functions at the same time? E.g. var executed = false; // loop 1 fu… Read more Can Javascript Run Multiple Functions At Once?

How To Wait For Event Triggered Page Reloads With Puppeteer?

I'm trying safely handle the behavior of a page which uses an in-browser event on a select elem… Read more How To Wait For Event Triggered Page Reloads With Puppeteer?

Javascript Simulate Pressing Enter In Input Box

I have what seemed to be a simple fix to a problem but after trying a ton of different solutions on… Read more Javascript Simulate Pressing Enter In Input Box

How To Remove Text That Is Overflown From Element In Jquery

So I am working on a web app, and this is my layout. The divs use overflow: hidden; text-overflow: … Read more How To Remove Text That Is Overflown From Element In Jquery

Were Ember Computed Properties Meant To Be Used With / Contain Asynchronous Code?

I'm an experienced Ember.js developer. In guides, we can find an example of Computed Property w… Read more Were Ember Computed Properties Meant To Be Used With / Contain Asynchronous Code?

Rails 4 Jquery, Javascript And Coffee Scripts Not Working

I am new to rails and web development, although I have almost two decades of C/C++ in control syste… Read more Rails 4 Jquery, Javascript And Coffee Scripts Not Working

Escape Characters In D3.js Ticks

I need to display micromoles per liter (µmol/L) in my chart's tickFormat, but when I pass in &#… Read more Escape Characters In D3.js Ticks

D3: Show Network Reaching Layout, Then Stop Force

I'm trying to get my D3 network to freeze after it reaches a nice layout (alpha reaches 0). I … Read more D3: Show Network Reaching Layout, Then Stop Force

_best Practices For Jsdoc'ing Javascript Files Written In The "revealing Module Pattern" Style?

Most of my Javascript functions are relatively simple, and called for their sideeffects: I use jQu… Read more _best Practices For Jsdoc'ing Javascript Files Written In The "revealing Module Pattern" Style?

Is It Possible To Ban A List Of Words With Eslint Or Anything Else When Pre-commit?

I am using husky to deal with the pre-commit thing. So here I want that the newly written program s… Read more Is It Possible To Ban A List Of Words With Eslint Or Anything Else When Pre-commit?

Javascript Getelementbyid Function Overload

I have a problem with old website. All JavaScript code on it use getElemenById function. But tags o… Read more Javascript Getelementbyid Function Overload

How To Get Variable Attribute In D3

How do I return a specific attribute of a variable using d3? For example, I want to select an elem… Read more How To Get Variable Attribute In D3

How Can I Return Immutable Data From Redux Reducer?

For a learning and test project, I'm trying to return immutable redux data from reducer because… Read more How Can I Return Immutable Data From Redux Reducer?

Flask App Update Pre Tag With The Contents Of Dynamic Server Log File

Using a logfile that is produced by a long computation and refresh it into a pre tag. Scripted wit… Read more Flask App Update Pre Tag With The Contents Of Dynamic Server Log File