Can Javascript Run Multiple Functions At Once?
Solution 1:
No processor i know can execute statements at the same time. Most computers have multiple processors, so they can run multiple statements on multiple processors. So the only possible solution would be opening your browser twice, open the same page and hope that the js is executed parallel ( or use some fancy NodeJS or WebWorkers etc.).
However instead of running the same time , its common to switch between two threads very fast, so that it looks like being the same time (called multitasking). You could do this in js like this:
var executed = false;
var theother=new Promise( r=>setTimeout(r,0));
// loop 2
async function func(){
if (executed) return;
await theother;
executed = true;
Or old style ( to resolve the magic ):
var executed = false;
// loop 1
// loop 2
function func(){
if (executed) return;
executed = true;
Solution 2:
You can't do this. Because JavaScript does not support multi-threading. Every tab of web browser just have a single interpreter and JavaScript interpreter in the browser is a single thread. See an example of single thread here.
See also this answer.
Solution 3:
Use below code
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>sample test</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
print=function(msg) {
var ifunction=function(){
return ifunction;
for (var i =0 ;i <count; i++) {
setTimeout(print(name+":"+i+"seconds over after button1 click"),i*500);
<input type="" name="" />
<input type="button" value="button1" onclick="button1('button1',5)" />
<input type="button" value="button2" onclick="button1('button2',5)" />
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