Sapui5/javascript How To Convert Binary Data To Readable Format And Download As Pdf
Solution 1:
Well, there are several ways to go about it. The most important piece of information is that the string you have there is a Base64 encoded version of your PDF file.
You can create a Blob out of it and download it using some small "tricks" (for IE, you have a IE specific API, for the rest of the browsers you can use a data URL). Please check the following S.O. question: Download base64 data using javascript | IE11. The gist of it is the following:
var a = window.document.createElement("a");
a.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob, { type: "application/pdf" }); = "filename.pdf";
Or you can use the built-in UI5 utility function and pass it the decoded binary data:, "filename", "pdf", "application/pdf");
Of course, another possibility would be to use a third-party library like download.js:
download(bin, "filename.pdf", "application/pdf");
In my opinion, you should go with the UI5 version, because:
- The first version makes you write some fairly low-level, browser-dependent code.
- If you look at the source code of the UI5 function, it actually does mostly the same thing.
- The last version adds an external dependency which can be avoided.
The only thing to look out for is the compatibility of the UI5 function; a third-party library specialized in this thing might have a better compatibility matrix:
macOS Safari < 10.1 / iOS Safari A new window or tab is opened. In macOS, the user has to save the file manually (by using key combination "CMD + S", choosing the page source format, and specifying a file name). In iOS, the content can be opened in another app (Mail, Notes, ...) or can be copied to the clipboard. If a pop-up blocker prevents this action, an error will be thrown which can be used to notify the user that the pop-up blocker needs to be disabled.
Android Browser Not supported
Windows Phone 10 Edge Not supported
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