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Showing posts from November, 2023

Viewmodel Memory Leak - Getting Rid Of A Circular Dependency

I have knockout.js child view models living in an observableArray that depend on an observable in t… Read more Viewmodel Memory Leak - Getting Rid Of A Circular Dependency

Remove All .fixed Classes From Force Layout Nodes With Jquery

I have this structure, made by the d3.js force layout: You can use d3.selectAll('#familytreecon… Read more Remove All .fixed Classes From Force Layout Nodes With Jquery

How To Test Service Workers Offline Mode In Localhost?

How can I test service workers in offline mode locally? I mean, localhost doesn't need internet… Read more How To Test Service Workers Offline Mode In Localhost?

Foursquare - How To Get More Than 100 Venues Using Foursquare Api?

In Foursquare API Explorer window, We have used the endpoints 'venues/search?ll=39.8647,-86.260… Read more Foursquare - How To Get More Than 100 Venues Using Foursquare Api?

Redux Thunk Fetch Return Undefined

I'm new with Redux Thunk and I'm having problems with dispatch an action after fetching asy… Read more Redux Thunk Fetch Return Undefined

Find And Get Only Number In String

Please help me solve this strange situation: Here is code: The link is so - The … Read more Find And Get Only Number In String

How To Add Html Code Dynamically To Ion-content?

I'm working with ionic cross platform and I want to add dynamically a html code inside ion-cont… Read more How To Add Html Code Dynamically To Ion-content?

Difference Between "q" And "q" In Angularjs And Requirejs

I am creating a single page app built on AngularJS, Breeze, and RequireJS. In setting up AMD with r… Read more Difference Between "q" And "q" In Angularjs And Requirejs

What Are The Differences Between The Hourcycle Options In Date.prototype.tolocaletimestring()

MDN documentation for toLocaleTimeString() indicates that the hourCycle and hc options have four po… Read more What Are The Differences Between The Hourcycle Options In Date.prototype.tolocaletimestring()

Why Does `btoa` Encoding In Javascript Works For 20 Digit String And Not 20 Digit Int?

Consider the following btoa output btoa(99999999999999999999) 'MTAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAw'… Read more Why Does `btoa` Encoding In Javascript Works For 20 Digit String And Not 20 Digit Int?

How Do I Read Xml In Javascript?

Alright, so I got this xml file: 1000000000000001 1 Solution 1: I'd use XMLHttpRequest and it… Read more How Do I Read Xml In Javascript?

Migrate Json Data From Azure Sql Db To Cosmos Db Results In String Values

I'm trying to migrate data from SQL DB using CosmosDB Data Migration Tool and I successfully mi… Read more Migrate Json Data From Azure Sql Db To Cosmos Db Results In String Values

Title Utf-8 On Html

I'm having a problem with UTF-8 character on the page title, I want to add this on the title of… Read more Title Utf-8 On Html

Pass Place Id Location To Destination In Google Maps Api

I'm trying to figure out how to pass the geometry location of a Google Places location to the d… Read more Pass Place Id Location To Destination In Google Maps Api

Why Is The Event Dispatched By Window Not Captured By Other Elements?

Read more Why Is The Event Dispatched By Window Not Captured By Other Elements?

Pre-populating Date Input Field With Javascript

I am trying to prepopulate a date into an html 'date' input field, but it ignores the value… Read more Pre-populating Date Input Field With Javascript

Jquery Remove Everything After And Including Certain Character

I have a location - Pearl River, NY (10965) that I want displayed as Pearl River, NY (so it must de… Read more Jquery Remove Everything After And Including Certain Character

Batch Requests For Google Places (javascript V3)

Is there a way to batch requests for the Places Library in JavaScript? I've seen this page, so … Read more Batch Requests For Google Places (javascript V3)

Javascript: Merge Objects By Key

I have an array of objects that looks like this: var countries = [ {id: SWE, value: 5}, {i… Read more Javascript: Merge Objects By Key

How To Send The Data To The Server After Inline Editing?

I am using jQgrid Free (release 4.15.2) and I need to add the ability to edit rows inline which is … Read more How To Send The Data To The Server After Inline Editing?

Css Applied On Handsontable Grid Row On Scroll Is Not Working Properly

I am using Handsontable 0.11.4 grid where the rows on load have yellow background, on click of icon… Read more Css Applied On Handsontable Grid Row On Scroll Is Not Working Properly

Showing A Google Map In Angular-ui Modal?

Trying to load a simple google map within an angular-ui modal. However no luck. The data get's … Read more Showing A Google Map In Angular-ui Modal?

Updating A {{ Variable }} In My Directive Template

I don't think I am understanding how to set a {{ variable }} in my directive template correctly… Read more Updating A {{ Variable }} In My Directive Template

Javascript Regex Object And The Dollar Symbol

In the code below. I expected true but i am getting false instead. What am I missing? var text = &#… Read more Javascript Regex Object And The Dollar Symbol

Scope Of Variables Inside Inline Function Default Parameter

ES6 introduced default parameters. I'm trying to understand how inline function default paramet… Read more Scope Of Variables Inside Inline Function Default Parameter

Leaflet.js Setmaxbounds Ignores Southern Bound

Using Leaflet.js for an open-source map project, but I need to set specific bounds the user can'… Read more Leaflet.js Setmaxbounds Ignores Southern Bound

Alternative To Mcdropdown

I'm building an autocomplete dropdown list where the user can pick from categories in several l… Read more Alternative To Mcdropdown

Nuxt, Splitting Up Vuex Store Into Separate Files Gives Error: Unknown Mutation Type: Login

I'm trying to split up my Nuxt Vuex store files into separate files. And NOT have all Vuex gett… Read more Nuxt, Splitting Up Vuex Store Into Separate Files Gives Error: Unknown Mutation Type: Login

Breeze: Sorting By Navigation Property Fails With Nhibernate And Webapi 2

If I try to sort my entities by navigation property, I get the following error: ''NHiberna… Read more Breeze: Sorting By Navigation Property Fails With Nhibernate And Webapi 2

Detect Synthetic Click In React During Testing With Jest/enzyme

I am building an app with React. I am hiding a file input element ( ) 'behind' a react-boot… Read more Detect Synthetic Click In React During Testing With Jest/enzyme

First Child Does Not Work With My Selector

my js $('dd:first-child', 'dd:first-child(2)').remove(); consider my markup is lik… Read more First Child Does Not Work With My Selector

How Can I Put The Variable In The Inline Javascript [[]] Api Path

I have a question, I need make up the url in the javasctipt. But I don't known how to put the v… Read more How Can I Put The Variable In The Inline Javascript [[]] Api Path

Target A Bell Character With A Regular Expression

I noticed that there's a regular expression character for bell. I can't match though. I rea… Read more Target A Bell Character With A Regular Expression

Get Country Code Using Javascript

I can't figure out how to get a country code from a visitor that goes to my webpage. I have see… Read more Get Country Code Using Javascript

Rxjs: Recursive Http Calls Based On Condition

I retrieve a list using the following command by giving a fixed number of record. In the folowing e… Read more Rxjs: Recursive Http Calls Based On Condition

Node Error: Cannot Find Module './lib/querystring'

I keep getting the following error when trying to run node ./bin/www Error: Cannot find module &#… Read more Node Error: Cannot Find Module './lib/querystring'

Datatables Footercallback - Conditional On Another Cell

I'm trying to implement a footerCallback in DataTables that computes a conditional sum of each … Read more Datatables Footercallback - Conditional On Another Cell

Html5 Audio Javascript Looping But

function nextSong() { var v30 = 1; var v07 = 1; var v......[continues] var audioPla… Read more Html5 Audio Javascript Looping But

Highcharts: Strange Error From Creation Of Stock Chart

I'm trying to create a simple Stock Chart, like this but it throws this error in console: Uncau… Read more Highcharts: Strange Error From Creation Of Stock Chart

Karma + Jspm + Typescript - Not Found '.ts.js'

Mainly just trying to get Karma+JSPM to play nice on loading the .ts files but having absolutely no… Read more Karma + Jspm + Typescript - Not Found '.ts.js'

Withstore: Cannot Read Property 'state' Of Undefined (pure-react-carousel)

I use pure-react-carousel library and try to navigate to specific slide by onClick method of my But… Read more Withstore: Cannot Read Property 'state' Of Undefined (pure-react-carousel)

How To Get A List Of All Valid Ip Address In A Local Network Using Javascript?

I'm writing a jQuery mobile/Cordova application for a mobile device, who can connect (say by Wi… Read more How To Get A List Of All Valid Ip Address In A Local Network Using Javascript?

Can You Shorten An 'if' Statement Where A Certain Variable Could Be Multiple Things

Since I sometimes needs an if-statement like if (variable == 'one' || variable == 'two&… Read more Can You Shorten An 'if' Statement Where A Certain Variable Could Be Multiple Things

Add Html.partial To Javascript

I want to set a string in Javascript with an ASP.NET Html.Partial View. The problem is that Html.Pa… Read more Add Html.partial To Javascript

Dynamically Change Nested Json

I'm trying to put a value in a JSON with this code: result = {} result[idHour] = {}; result… Read more Dynamically Change Nested Json

Chart.js Default Value When Displaying No Chart Data

I'm using chart.Js to display my chart. I'm getting my chart data via ajax and graphically … Read more Chart.js Default Value When Displaying No Chart Data

Javascript Namespacing And This/that Scope

I am working on namespacing some applications and I am not understanding scope within a namespace. … Read more Javascript Namespacing And This/that Scope

Render Blocking Javascript At End Of Body Tag - Firefox Renders Some Visual Content, Chrome Does Not

I am just experimenting with a few performance related optimizations. As per my understanding, any … Read more Render Blocking Javascript At End Of Body Tag - Firefox Renders Some Visual Content, Chrome Does Not

Display Timeline/linear Data In Flot

Does anyone know how to get flot to display a type of 'timeline'? E.g. Y: Person1| ----- … Read more Display Timeline/linear Data In Flot

How To Create Multiple Instances Of Iife Javascript Module?

I'm dealing with a huge javascript codebase that I'm trying to reorganize. I'm not real… Read more How To Create Multiple Instances Of Iife Javascript Module?

Jquery Function(event) Is Blank When Clicking Linked Text

I have a side menu that when clicked slides out to reveal a content panel. Based on the menu item c… Read more Jquery Function(event) Is Blank When Clicking Linked Text

Check Image Transparency

I have a website where people can upload an PNG image and save it. But before they can save it, i … Read more Check Image Transparency

How Do I Handle A Click Anywhere In The Page, Even When A Certain Element Stops The Propagation?

We are working on a JavaScript tool that has older code in it, so we cannot re-write the whole tool… Read more How Do I Handle A Click Anywhere In The Page, Even When A Certain Element Stops The Propagation?

Typeerror: .currentpizzaplace.getpoint Is Not A Function

TypeError: this.pizzaPlaceEditService.currentPizzaPlace.getPoint is not a function I found TypeErro… Read more Typeerror: .currentpizzaplace.getpoint Is Not A Function

Clicking Inside Canvas Element Selects Text

I have a canvas element in my HTML document. When I click inside of the canvas multiple times, it s… Read more Clicking Inside Canvas Element Selects Text

Auto Focus In Google Chrome Extension

I made a simple Chrome extension - search with a form. When I open the extension, there is no defau… Read more Auto Focus In Google Chrome Extension

Open A Desktop App By Clicking On A Link On The Browser

I want to enable the user to open a certain software on his desktop when he clicks the link on the … Read more Open A Desktop App By Clicking On A Link On The Browser

How Can I Wrap Inner Divs That Are Dynamic?

I have been trying badly to wrap some divs with an outer div so that I can style them. But I'm … Read more How Can I Wrap Inner Divs That Are Dynamic?

Active State On Nav After Page Refresh

This is the code I am using at the moment to add an active state to an item after your clicked on o… Read more Active State On Nav After Page Refresh

Javascript Or Jquery Help

This is my website: I need to know how to make the red line slow… Read more Javascript Or Jquery Help

Sort Mixed Alpha/numeric Array

I have a mixed array that I need to sort by alphabet and then by digit [A1, A10, A11, A12, A2, A3, … Read more Sort Mixed Alpha/numeric Array