Datatables Footercallback - Conditional On Another Cell
I'm trying to implement a footerCallback in DataTables that computes a conditional sum of each column, based on a cell that's in a different column in the same row. Here's a demo o
Solution 1:
I solved this by getting the current index of the summing value in the reduce function, and then used the index to access the respective value in the condition cell. Below is the new jQuery code:
"paging": false,
"searching": false,
"info": false,
"footerCallback": function ( row, data, start, end, display ) {
var columns = [2, 3];
//console.log(data);var api = this.api();
// Get sumCondition and put in array
_.each(columns, function(idx) {
var total = api
.reduce(function (a, b) {
// Find index of current value for accessing sumCondition value in same rowvar cur_index = api.column(idx).data().indexOf(b);
if (api.column(1).data()[cur_index] != "Ignore") {
returnparseInt(a) + parseInt(b);
else { returnparseInt(a); }
}, 0)
$('tr:eq(0) th:eq('+idx+')', api.table().footer()).html(total);
} });
Working Fiddle:
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