Withstore: Cannot Read Property 'state' Of Undefined (pure-react-carousel)
I use pure-react-carousel library and try to navigate to specific slide by onClick method of my Button. Please explain me how to use setStoreState because I tried to do it by myse
Solution 1:
I am actually an author for Pure React Carousel.
only works if it is a child of <CarouselProvider />
WithStore accesses React's context API. CarouselProvider creates the context. When you create a context, React only passes the context down to child components of the component that created the context.
So, the use of WithStore in this pseudo-code example will give you the error.
<YourComponentThatUsesTheWithStoreHOC /><CarouselProvider>
// all your buttons, slides, dots, etc...
This will also give you that errod.
// all your buttons, slides, dots, etc...
</CarouselProvider><YourComponentThatUsesTheWithStoreHOC />
This pseudo-code example will work
// all your buttons, slides, dots, etc...
<YourComponentThatUsesTheWithStoreHOC /></CarouselProvider>
Solution 2:
The Parenthese are unnecessary. Try this:
exportdefaultWithStore(MyComponent, state => {
currentSlide: state.currentSlide,
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