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Showing posts from October, 2023

How Do I Get Rid Of The Nan In The Text Box In My Javascript And Html Code?

I'm trying to make a triangle Hypotenuse calculator. First you put one leg, then the other leg,… Read more How Do I Get Rid Of The Nan In The Text Box In My Javascript And Html Code?

Yahoo Forecastjson Gives Xml Error

After browsing through this site, I found that you can get Yahoo weather in a JSON format using for… Read more Yahoo Forecastjson Gives Xml Error

Force Open Minimum One Accordion Bootstrap Tab

I am looking for the same following solution. I wanted to add more in this example but unable to co… Read more Force Open Minimum One Accordion Bootstrap Tab

Html Javascript - Prevent Script Execution From Child Nodes Of A Dom Tree

I download some html tree from an untrustworthy source, and use it to just display content as a chi… Read more Html Javascript - Prevent Script Execution From Child Nodes Of A Dom Tree

Javascript: Pass Function As A Parameter To Another Function, The Code Gets Called In Another Order Then I Expect

i want to pass a function to another function as a parameter. I want to do that because the latter … Read more Javascript: Pass Function As A Parameter To Another Function, The Code Gets Called In Another Order Then I Expect

Textarea Preview Div

I am trying to script a textarea preview (like stackoverflow) that shows in a div automatically. I … Read more Textarea Preview Div

Using Javascript Libraries In Adobe Brackets Ide?

How do you use libraries in Brackets without the javascript lint giving errors? For example I am us… Read more Using Javascript Libraries In Adobe Brackets Ide?

Contenteditable On Ios: Control/prevent Selection Toolbar?

I've got my own toolbar for contenteditable. On ipad the system generates its own pop-up toolba… Read more Contenteditable On Ios: Control/prevent Selection Toolbar?

Play Mp3 File Using Jquery

How can i play an mp3 file using jquery in website.I m using servlets or http to play a song.Also h… Read more Play Mp3 File Using Jquery

Unicode To A Form With Javascript

Why when I set a form with the numeric character reference of an unicode with javascript the charac… Read more Unicode To A Form With Javascript

How To Change Datatable Row Background Colour Based On The Condition In A Column, Rshiny

I have a real-time log file running, that listens to the database and renders a datatable of the mo… Read more How To Change Datatable Row Background Colour Based On The Condition In A Column, Rshiny

How Viruses Get Through Browser To Pc As Javascript Do Not Have Much Privileges?

I would like to know how browser allow viruses to pass through to our computers. Response we receiv… Read more How Viruses Get Through Browser To Pc As Javascript Do Not Have Much Privileges?

Bing Maps V7 Not Showing Navigation Bar

I am using a Bing Maps v7 Ajax Control, but can't see the navigation bar with the zoom tools ev… Read more Bing Maps V7 Not Showing Navigation Bar

Gc Crashes Qml-application

Do not fear! This is not production code. It is just to learn new things about QML! I do not seek … Read more Gc Crashes Qml-application

How Do I Edit The Css Of One Blog Post But Not Others To Have A 5 Star Rating System?

I recently created my own blog using Google's Blogger. When I have completed reading a particul… Read more How Do I Edit The Css Of One Blog Post But Not Others To Have A 5 Star Rating System?

Type A Word From The Keyboard And Store Each Letter Into A Series Of Multiple Input Text Boxes

I would like to present to the user several input text box that allows them to type a string of let… Read more Type A Word From The Keyboard And Store Each Letter Into A Series Of Multiple Input Text Boxes

How To Capture Asynchronous Ajax Response Into A Variable?

I am making the following jquery ajax call to a codeigniter php function: var html ='';… Read more How To Capture Asynchronous Ajax Response Into A Variable?

How To Get Value Of Translatex And Translatey?

I want to get translateY value from the in-line css with the JavaScript. Here is the in-line value:… Read more How To Get Value Of Translatex And Translatey?

How To Make A Div With A Blinking Cursor And Editable Text Without Using ?

I need to make a div layer so that when you click on it you will have your cursor there blinking an… Read more How To Make A Div With A Blinking Cursor And Editable Text Without Using ?

How To Call "lexical This" Or Arrow Syntax For This In Javascript?

I want to call myObj.sayHello with myObj as its running scope. I know about bind, and it works fine… Read more How To Call "lexical This" Or Arrow Syntax For This In Javascript?

Jquery: Change Value When Value Of Other Input Field Is Changed

I want to change the value of an input field whenever the value of another one is changed. I've… Read more Jquery: Change Value When Value Of Other Input Field Is Changed

Angular Ng-repeat For A Select, Setting One Option As Selected Using $rootscope Variable

I have the following select: , []); app. controller ( 'MainCtrl' , function ( $scope, $roo… Read more Angular Ng-repeat For A Select, Setting One Option As Selected Using $rootscope Variable

Use Asp:hiddenfield Value In Javascript On Page Load?

I'm trying to use the value of an asp:HiddenField control in javascript after postback and page… Read more Use Asp:hiddenfield Value In Javascript On Page Load?

Using Authentication With Ajax.request

I currently have a Palm WebOS application that uses an Ajax.Request to connect to a web service usi… Read more Using Authentication With Ajax.request

Multiple Asynchronous Callbacks Javascript How Do I Resolve This?

I got myself into a tangle which probably involves multiple asynchronous callback situations. I hav… Read more Multiple Asynchronous Callbacks Javascript How Do I Resolve This?

Apache Virtualhost Not Working Correctly

Problems The problem I'm having is getting the VirtualHost to work right. This is how I have t… Read more Apache Virtualhost Not Working Correctly

Jquery Multidimensional Array Shuffle Random

I want to minimize my code from: myArrayA = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; fisherYates(myArrayA); myArrayB = [6, … Read more Jquery Multidimensional Array Shuffle Random

How Do I Get (people Whose Id Of Addresses Contains Addressid) In Jxa?

I’m using JavaScript with osascript, on MacOS Mojave 10.14.3, to write a script that displays peopl… Read more How Do I Get (people Whose Id Of Addresses Contains Addressid) In Jxa?

Marque Like With Javascript

Hello again i found a great script that does almost what i want the problem is that its not moving … Read more Marque Like With Javascript

Javascript: Detect When Page Has Been Navigated "back" To

Suppose I have a page open in a browser and I go to my address bar and enter another page. Then I h… Read more Javascript: Detect When Page Has Been Navigated "back" To

Bypassing The Browse File / Upload File Dialog

I am building a Chrome extension for internal use, and at one step, the user can upload a file. Thi… Read more Bypassing The Browse File / Upload File Dialog

Unload Event In Ie10, No Form Data

I have window.unload hooked to save my form data in emergencies when the user just closes their bro… Read more Unload Event In Ie10, No Form Data

Flickr Api Using Javascript

i want to upload photos using flickr,i have no idea about how to be frank iam new to this … Read more Flickr Api Using Javascript

Increasing Dimensions On Hover Without Changing The Position Of Other Elements

Suppose I've 10 divs in the form of squares. Lets call it the home page. Out of these 10, 3 di… Read more Increasing Dimensions On Hover Without Changing The Position Of Other Elements

Jquery On Second Click Doesn't Work - Mobile

Before you say that is duplicate from other topics, I've seen that topics, such as: jQuery: tri… Read more Jquery On Second Click Doesn't Work - Mobile

Backbone.js Adding Model To Collection Adds To All Models In Collection

Playing around with backbone.js, so far I've created models and collections for a deck of cards… Read more Backbone.js Adding Model To Collection Adds To All Models In Collection

How Can Convert Datetime Form Net To Javascript

Please don't make duplicate vs ASP.NET Parse DateTime result from ajax call to javascript date … Read more How Can Convert Datetime Form Net To Javascript

Unexpected Result Using Threecsg

I'm experimenting with the ThreeCSG library and am attempting to swap out the sphere or normal … Read more Unexpected Result Using Threecsg

Using Js To Wrap Pairs Of
  • In Divs
  • It seems like I need some pretty basic JS help. I an trying to make a script that will add a aroun… Read more Using Js To Wrap Pairs Of
  • In Divs
  • Sencha Touch 2: And Tapping Anywhere To Hide

    I want to display the popup message without any buttons. The message disappears if you tap on it. T… Read more Sencha Touch 2: And Tapping Anywhere To Hide

    Clicking A Div Changes Another Div's Content

    I'd like the content inside to change, when another div is clicked, however I have never used … Read more Clicking A Div Changes Another Div's Content

    Javascript Binding Click Handller Inside A Loop

    I'm trying to create several links and bind an onclick handller to them inside a loop. On click… Read more Javascript Binding Click Handller Inside A Loop

    Cors Error Within A Cloud Function

    I've copied exactly what's written in the sample code here:… Read more Cors Error Within A Cloud Function

    Threejs, Understanding Raycaster's Intersectd Object Coordinates

    Hello, I have one doubt: I have implemented a raycaster and I have been testing it manually, howeve… Read more Threejs, Understanding Raycaster's Intersectd Object Coordinates

    Catch Browser Closing Event In Safari Running In Iphone, Ipad Etc

    How do i capture the browser closing event in safari running in iPhone ,iPad, itouch etc. as the on… Read more Catch Browser Closing Event In Safari Running In Iphone, Ipad Etc

    Updating Child's State From Parent Component

    Let's say that my parent component got two child component : Parent | Child1 | Child2 I'a… Read more Updating Child's State From Parent Component

    Why There Is Undefined When I Run This

    js_trial Read more Why There Is Undefined When I Run This

    Is There A Way To Dynamically Create Nested Divs Onclick?

    I'm attempting to create a page where the user is able to customize the form to their needs by … Read more Is There A Way To Dynamically Create Nested Divs Onclick?

    Creating A Json Result From Sql Server Database

    I have an SQL server with the following layout Table ( id int title varchar(40), … Read more Creating A Json Result From Sql Server Database

    Clear All Page Style For A Specific Div And It's Child Elements

    I have some html being embeded on websites but is gets messed by the page it's embeded in's… Read more Clear All Page Style For A Specific Div And It's Child Elements