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Threejs, Understanding Raycaster's Intersectd Object Coordinates

Hello, I have one doubt: I have implemented a raycaster and I have been testing it manually, however I do not know why on most of the clicks which I made on the 3D model, it did no

Solution 1:

Raycarster.setFromCamera(NDC, camera) takes as first parameter the normalized device coordinates. That is a value between -1 and 1. But you are giving the actual coordinates. That is why it doesn't intersect. Try this:

const screenPosition = {
        x: event.clientX - canvas.offsetLeft,
        y: event.clientY - canvas.offsetHeight
const widthHalf = canvas.clientWidth * 0.5;
const heightHalf = canvas.clientHeight * 0.5;
const mouse = {
        x: (screenPosition.x - widthHalf) / widthHalf ,
        y: - (screenPosition.y - heightHalf) / heightHalf,

Also try to set recursive to true in intersectObject().

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