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Backbone.js Adding Model To Collection Adds To All Models In Collection

Playing around with backbone.js, so far I've created models and collections for a deck of cards and two players. The problem is when I try move a card from the deck and add it to t

Solution 1:

Objects defined in a model's defaults hash end shared between instances (see In what cases does defaults need to be a function? for a longer explanation)

Use a function to return your defaults values :

game.Player = Backbone.Model.extend({
    defaults: function() {
        return {
            name : "",
            hand : new game.Hand()

and a demo

var game = {};

game.Card = Backbone.Model.extend({
    defaults: {
        "suit" : "spades",
        "rank" : "A"
game.Hand = Backbone.Collection.extend({
  model : game.Card

game.Player = Backbone.Model.extend({
    defaults: function() {
    return {
        hand: new game.Hand()
var players = newBackbone.Collection([
    new game.Player (),
    new game.Player ()

var deck = newBackbone.Collection([
    {suit: "heart", rank: "A"}, {suit: "heart", rank: "2"}
//the first card goes to player1var topCard =; //A of hearts
var hand1 ="hand");

//the second card goes to player2
topCard =; //2 of hearts
var hand2 ="hand");

$('body').append("Hand 1 " + JSON.stringify(hand1.toJSON()));
$('body').append("Hand 2 " + JSON.stringify(hand2.toJSON()));

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