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Showing posts from June, 2023

Updated Mongoose Update Nested Array Element

I have the following Schema UserSchema: Schema = new Schema({ username: String, password: Strin… Read more Updated Mongoose Update Nested Array Element

Signalr And/or Timer Issues Since Chrome 88

We have an ASP.Net WebForms application that uses SignalR (v2.4.1) to do some bi-directional commun… Read more Signalr And/or Timer Issues Since Chrome 88

Jquery Hover Effect Doesn't Work In Ie

html Solution 1: Try removing the dangling comma: $( 'ul' , this ). animate ({ opacity :… Read more Jquery Hover Effect Doesn't Work In Ie

Jquery Flot Draws Points In 200% Thought It Says The Value Is 100%

I am using flot library to draw a chart. this is my code: function LoadService2() { $.getJSON(… Read more Jquery Flot Draws Points In 200% Thought It Says The Value Is 100%

Node .on Method Firing Too Many Times

I have an Electron app that presents a directory listing to the user. When the user clicks a button… Read more Node .on Method Firing Too Many Times

In Javascript Is There A Way To Sum Elements In Multi-dimensional Arrays, Grouped On Other Elements In The Array

I am working with a multi-dimensional array like below [ [203, 541, 5001, 6.8, 207, 30252], … Read more In Javascript Is There A Way To Sum Elements In Multi-dimensional Arrays, Grouped On Other Elements In The Array

Defeating Spam Registrations

I am trying to learn as much as possible about running a high-profile website. I designing some use… Read more Defeating Spam Registrations

How To Know The Ancestor-classes Of A Given Class In Javascript/es6

var A = class A {}; var B = class B extends A {}; var C = class C extends B {}; Given the code abo… Read more How To Know The Ancestor-classes Of A Given Class In Javascript/es6

Nodejs - Subtract Array From Array, Not Removing All Duplicates

Title might not make much sense, but how would you do something like: a = [1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3]; b = [… Read more Nodejs - Subtract Array From Array, Not Removing All Duplicates

Check If Application Is Already Running Or Restart

check if application is already running or restart We can check and restart if a application servic… Read more Check If Application Is Already Running Or Restart

Html5 History Disabling Forward Button

I am writing a single page javascript application using the HTML5 History API. The application load… Read more Html5 History Disabling Forward Button

Loopback Models In Es6

I'm new to loopback.js. I want to use the ES6 syntax for classes. How to achieve this using th… Read more Loopback Models In Es6

How To Target The Node Instead Of The Node Number With An Onpress

I have a bunch of users who are being rendered into components in the . When I click on each of t… Read more How To Target The Node Instead Of The Node Number With An Onpress

Using Jquery Noconflict() With

I have a site using a 'widget' (from that includes the… Read more Using Jquery Noconflict() With

$_get Not Working On My Php

I Call my PHP into my javascript code, may I know why $_GET not working in my PHP file? My URL is :… Read more $_get Not Working On My Php

Highchart / Highstock Shows Unformated Tooltip Lable When Data Grouping Enabled But Not Used

When using data grouping with datetime in Highcharts / Highstock, there seems to be a problem with … Read more Highchart / Highstock Shows Unformated Tooltip Lable When Data Grouping Enabled But Not Used

Accessing Select Text Value From Formik Select

I am using the following code from a tutorial as a re-usable component for a Material-UI select: im… Read more Accessing Select Text Value From Formik Select

Calculate A Minus Operation In Javascript Returns A Incorrect Value

This is my javascript code : var dsum = 0.0; $.each($('#Report tbody tr'), function () { … Read more Calculate A Minus Operation In Javascript Returns A Incorrect Value

Html5 - Access Camera

I'd like to access camera with HTML and JavaScript. I've seen this example, but it doesn… Read more Html5 - Access Camera

Can I Register External Js Files On A Page Via Javascript?

In my CMS I add modules to the page via Javascript, these modules may include external JS files whi… Read more Can I Register External Js Files On A Page Via Javascript?

Why Doesn't Javascript Let You Call Methods On Numbers Directly?

In Ruby, you can do this: 3.times { print 'Ho! ' } # => Ho! Ho! Ho! I tried to do it in… Read more Why Doesn't Javascript Let You Call Methods On Numbers Directly?

How To Change The Value Of Input Dynamically?

I have a dynamic inputs, which I can add and delete a row with inputs, there are inputs of material… Read more How To Change The Value Of Input Dynamically?

Handling Multiple Inputs In React

I am new to React and was learning how to handle multiple inputs in form. Here is the code : class … Read more Handling Multiple Inputs In React

Supporting Arrays In Custom Functions With Multiple Inputs

I have a custom function in my google apps script that takes two variables. I want this function to… Read more Supporting Arrays In Custom Functions With Multiple Inputs

React Native: Make Each Child Of Scrollview Full Height

I have a ScrollView which has two children, and I want each of the children to be the full height o… Read more React Native: Make Each Child Of Scrollview Full Height

Sequelize - Cannot Add Foreign Key Constraint

I'm trying to set a 1:1 relation between two tables. RefreshToken table will have two foreignKe… Read more Sequelize - Cannot Add Foreign Key Constraint

Php Form Submits Before Javascript Validation

I'm having a somewhat common problem of getting my form to validate before submission. I've… Read more Php Form Submits Before Javascript Validation

Angular Js Ui Router Not Showing Template (no Js Console Errors)

Im just staring AngularJS app for 1st time. Followed some steps from tutorials but at the end ui ro… Read more Angular Js Ui Router Not Showing Template (no Js Console Errors)

Javascript Code To Convert Serial Numbers Converted From Php

These two Javascript functions are supposed to convert serial numbers (2-9999) for example into a n… Read more Javascript Code To Convert Serial Numbers Converted From Php

How To Import Function From Another File Into Reactjs Component?

I have a main.js file function convertToFahrenheit(param) { return param * 2 + 30; } function… Read more How To Import Function From Another File Into Reactjs Component?

Slick Carousel Has 0px Width When Loaded In Collapsed Tab

When loading slick slider in collapsed content (angular-bootstrap collapse plugin in this case) the… Read more Slick Carousel Has 0px Width When Loaded In Collapsed Tab

How To Strip Out
Tags And Wrap Lines With



This is what the HTML code looks like. I need to strip out the br tags and wrap the lines in parag… Read more How To Strip Out
Tags And Wrap Lines With



Use Google Maps Computedistancebetween To Get The Closest Location Returns Nan

Ok so I have set up a map and an autocomplete field on a testing site. My goal is to get the user t… Read more Use Google Maps Computedistancebetween To Get The Closest Location Returns Nan

Issue With Slicing In Javascript Recursion

everyone! I know that this is not the best possible base case for recursion, and I am aware that it… Read more Issue With Slicing In Javascript Recursion

Javascript Link Loaded With Ajax

With ajax I use the below function 'addScript' to add a js file to the loaded page. This wo… Read more Javascript Link Loaded With Ajax

Node Js: How To Get File Signature Headers Instead Of Mime-type?

I downloaded this module for my node js project, and it seems to work fine up to a certain point. I… Read more Node Js: How To Get File Signature Headers Instead Of Mime-type?

Uploading Folders (using Filesystem Api)

I'm trying to upload folders using the FileSystem API. dropzone.ondrop = function(e) { … Read more Uploading Folders (using Filesystem Api)

React-router V4, Url Changing But Component Doesn't Render

I've tried everything but fail to render component when URL changes. No error messages nothing,… Read more React-router V4, Url Changing But Component Doesn't Render

Chart.js Multiple Charts With One Common Legend

There are multiple charts on one page. Each chart line is common. I want to display a legend that i… Read more Chart.js Multiple Charts With One Common Legend

How To Capture Printscreen Event In Javascript?

I'm trying to write a web application which has some sensitive content in it. I have already pr… Read more How To Capture Printscreen Event In Javascript?

Convert The Regular Expression To Used In Javascript

Please guide me to covert this regular expression “A - Z”, “a - z”,”0 - 9” and “-, _/, \”. to u… Read more Convert The Regular Expression To Used In Javascript

Flot: Stacked Bar Labels Overlapping / Not Showing

Here's my JSFiddle. The issue is that the stacked bars overlap / doesn't show all distinct … Read more Flot: Stacked Bar Labels Overlapping / Not Showing

Re-set All Forms To Pristine Status From The Bottom Up

We have smDateTimePicker directive which is rather complex. This time picker control can be part of… Read more Re-set All Forms To Pristine Status From The Bottom Up

Cleanest Drag And Drop Code In Javascript Canvas

I'm looking for the fastest and lightest way to drag and drop shapes and sprites on a JS Canvas… Read more Cleanest Drag And Drop Code In Javascript Canvas

How Can I Convert A Multi-file Node.js App To A Single File?

If I have a node.js application that is filled with many require statements, how can I compile this… Read more How Can I Convert A Multi-file Node.js App To A Single File?

Execute Javascript Using Tor Network Without Human Interaction

In a nutshell I want to load html content through the Tor network and execute JavaScript to load ad… Read more Execute Javascript Using Tor Network Without Human Interaction

How To Count Duplicate Object In Js

im trying to add counting number for duplicate in JS. and i am completely stack in this case below.… Read more How To Count Duplicate Object In Js

Are Two Functions Equal?

[Edit] The general question seems incredibly hard to solve. Here is a significantly restricted vers… Read more Are Two Functions Equal?

How To Override A Parent Class Method In React?

I'm extending a base class and overriding a method in the base class. But when I call it, it ca… Read more How To Override A Parent Class Method In React?

Filter Out Unneeded Object Properties For Interface In Typescript

As background, I'm using Prisma (graphql), mysql2 (nodejs) and typescript. I'm using an in… Read more Filter Out Unneeded Object Properties For Interface In Typescript

Sinon Clock.tick Doesn't Advance Time For Settimeout

I am writing a test for an async function which performs a series of tasks and at one point waits f… Read more Sinon Clock.tick Doesn't Advance Time For Settimeout

Passing Values Between Two Jsp Files

<% if(empRecNum != null && !(empRecNum.equals(''))) { empSe… Read more Passing Values Between Two Jsp Files

Firefox Throwing Js Error In For Loop "allocation Size Overflow"

Below is my code Same code is working in local server but not in live. htmlC = ''; … Read more Firefox Throwing Js Error In For Loop "allocation Size Overflow"

Do Reflows Occur Once For Each Applied Style?

When i do this in javascript:'100px';'100px&… Read more Do Reflows Occur Once For Each Applied Style?

Setting State From Render Const

I would like to setState, in my case, feedbackLogId, which is required to called a function that wi… Read more Setting State From Render Const

Javascript Date Validation For Mm/dd/yyyy Format In

I want to validate BirthDate, which should be in 'mm/dd/yyyy' format, on the client side. I… Read more Javascript Date Validation For Mm/dd/yyyy Format In

Copying Attributes In Javascript

Javascript - The Definitive Guide (6ed) shows the following code: Originally we have this function … Read more Copying Attributes In Javascript

Google Maps Infowindow Only Loading Last Record On Markers

I'm trying to load a google map with dynamic markers and dynamic infoWindows to go with them. B… Read more Google Maps Infowindow Only Loading Last Record On Markers

Change Layout And Template In Zend Dynamically According To The Device(android Tab,iphone,ipad) Which The User Use For Browsing

I am developing an application, magazine store for PC and I have completed most of the work for pc,… Read more Change Layout And Template In Zend Dynamically According To The Device(android Tab,iphone,ipad) Which The User Use For Browsing

Restrict Property To Values Defined In Other Property's Object Array?

Given type Props= { defaultTab?: string; tabs?: { id: string; // ... }[]; }; I'd… Read more Restrict Property To Values Defined In Other Property's Object Array?

How Do I Add A Cycle Style Repeating Image Phase Background To My Website?

The question title says it all, I am not sure how to organize it in to my websites HTML due to the … Read more How Do I Add A Cycle Style Repeating Image Phase Background To My Website?