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Highchart / Highstock Shows Unformated Tooltip Lable When Data Grouping Enabled But Not Used

When using data grouping with datetime in Highcharts / Highstock, there seems to be a problem with the formatting of the tooltip label. When data grouping is actually applied (i.e

Solution 1:

The reason of this issue is that you use moment.js dates instead of timestamps as x values for your points.

I replaced moment.js with standard Date.UTC and functions (they return timestamps) and everything works as it should:

//create timedatavar data = [];
 var m = Date.UTC(2016);
 var until =;

 while (m < until) {

     x: m,
     y: Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000)
   m += 15 * 60 * 1000;

Live demo:

Docs reference: (Datetime paragraph)

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