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Javascript Code To Convert Serial Numbers Converted From Php

These two Javascript functions are supposed to convert serial numbers (2-9999) for example into a number , but the functions below are not working for some reason .. they were orig

Solution 1:

There is no such thing as strlen in Javascript. Use str.length instead.

Also, as Jason Sperske suggested below, change this:

functionmy_isnum(str, negative=false, decimal=false)

To this:

function my_isnum(str, negative, decimal)
    if (typeof negative == "undefined") negative = false;
    if (typeofdecimal == "undefined") decimal = false;

Solution 2:

These two javascript functions are supposed to convert serial numbers (2-9999) for example into a number.

Why not just get rid of the - and parse as a decimal number?

functionpadToFourDigits(_, digits) {
  return"0000".substring(digits.length) + digits;

functionserialToNum(serialNumStr) {
  return +(serialNumStr.replace(/-(\d{1,4})/g, padToFourDigits));


serialToNum('2-9999') === 29999

serialToNum('2-999')  === 20999

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