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Showing posts from July, 2024

Disable Iphone "save Image" Popup

I am trying to disable the 'save image' dialoge from showing on the iPhone/any iOS device. … Read more Disable Iphone "save Image" Popup

Include Unexpected. Element Has To Be Either A Model, An Association Or An Object

I have a problem trying to configure postrgres with nodeJs, i followed this tutorial and i get a er… Read more Include Unexpected. Element Has To Be Either A Model, An Association Or An Object

Highchart Line Chart Tooltip Showing Index Value Instead Of X-axis Formatted Label Name

My Problem of alignment is resolved with Highcharts graph should start entirely to the left and end… Read more Highchart Line Chart Tooltip Showing Index Value Instead Of X-axis Formatted Label Name

Dragging Markers With Ordnance Survey/openlayers Api

I've created a site link text using the api produced by the Ordnance Survey (I think this is ca… Read more Dragging Markers With Ordnance Survey/openlayers Api

$http Post & Passport.js Redirect

I have a multi-step Angular.js form for signup that saves all the users input into: $scope.user = {… Read more $http Post & Passport.js Redirect

Is There Any Method To Iterate A Map With Handlebars.js?

It is easy to iterate an array with Handlebars.js like: {{#each comments}} {{title}} {{{{url}}} … Read more Is There Any Method To Iterate A Map With Handlebars.js?

How To Build A Simple Vue.js Application Using A Separate Template File?

I'm new to Vue.js and I'm confused about file structure and how to build a simple applicati… Read more How To Build A Simple Vue.js Application Using A Separate Template File?

Is There A Way To Revert The Jquery Drag-drop Draggable To Its Original Position If It Fails Validation?

I am trying to understand how to get this to work and I am unsure... I have multiple parent divs (t… Read more Is There A Way To Revert The Jquery Drag-drop Draggable To Its Original Position If It Fails Validation?

Mouseover Event In Jquery

I have the following mouseover function: $('.msg_id').live('mouseover', function() … Read more Mouseover Event In Jquery

How To Load Ace Editor

I am trying to use the Ace code editor library (, but im having trouble. Accor… Read more How To Load Ace Editor

How To Submit Form Data Using Modal?

I have a form. Before submitting, it shows modal contain the values. Here is my code: Solution 1: … Read more How To Submit Form Data Using Modal?

How Add Function Name To Handler Click?

I have a button and I have function which should execute on click. example: bla bla Read more How Add Function Name To Handler Click?

Javascript Image Uploading Issue

I have this issue with a script that I was developing, to upload images on a canvas and with the cu… Read more Javascript Image Uploading Issue

An Button Click Event Is Not Firing

I have a button within a div which is hidden by default as it is used as a modal popup by jQuery UI… Read more An Button Click Event Is Not Firing

How To Check Authenticity Of An Ajax Request

I am designing a web site in which users solve puzzles as quickly as they can. JavaScript is used t… Read more How To Check Authenticity Of An Ajax Request

Accessing Client Side Dynamic Controls Within Codebehind

Hi I'm trying to access the html controls that are created dynamically within an event but I… Read more Accessing Client Side Dynamic Controls Within Codebehind

Shiny App : Disable Downloadbutton

My shiny app produces some files that user can download. I have put downloadbutton in the ui for th… Read more Shiny App : Disable Downloadbutton

How To Insert Dynamic Multiple Rows Textboxes Generated Value In A Variable

I'm trying insert dynamic multiple rows textboxes generated value in a variable to send it thro… Read more How To Insert Dynamic Multiple Rows Textboxes Generated Value In A Variable

Websockets, Express.js And Can’t Establish A Connection To The Server

This is simple chat on WS and express.js. I get the error that the browser can't connect to ser… Read more Websockets, Express.js And Can’t Establish A Connection To The Server

How Do You Transform Event Coordinates To Svg Coordinates Despite Bogus Getboundingclientrect()?

I'm experimenting with dynamically drawing things on an SVG element based on the position of th… Read more How Do You Transform Event Coordinates To Svg Coordinates Despite Bogus Getboundingclientrect()?

How Do I Trigger Mouse Events In Fabric.js To Simulate Mouse Actions?

I'm able to get the jquery response on the triggering but the fabric canvas is not acting on th… Read more How Do I Trigger Mouse Events In Fabric.js To Simulate Mouse Actions?

Why Doesn't Jest.spyon() Sometimes Work On A Vue Component's Method?

I see the changes the method makes as event handler, but jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'methodName'… Read more Why Doesn't Jest.spyon() Sometimes Work On A Vue Component's Method?

How Does Twitter Implement Its Tweet Box?

I'm trying to implement something like Twitter's tweet box, specifically: Automatically hi… Read more How Does Twitter Implement Its Tweet Box?

How To Rotate .png Rendered From Div With Canvas 90° Ccw?

Let me start off by saying that I'm new to working with the Canvas element. I've managed to… Read more How To Rotate .png Rendered From Div With Canvas 90° Ccw?

How To Download A File From Amazon S3 Bucket In Node.js Synchronously

I have to download multiple files from S3 bucket using node.js. For that I have to write a for loop… Read more How To Download A File From Amazon S3 Bucket In Node.js Synchronously

How To Solve Json.parse: Bad Control Character In String Literal, In This Code

I'm a beginner at JSON document, this is my code so please help me to solve this error. { &#… Read more How To Solve Json.parse: Bad Control Character In String Literal, In This Code

How To Get Route Data Into App Component In Angular 2

I have defined some route data in my app routing module like below: const appRoutes:Routes = [ … Read more How To Get Route Data Into App Component In Angular 2

Plotting Geojson Points In Html

I am creating a webmap similar to the example here example, but with my data. My geojson points won… Read more Plotting Geojson Points In Html

Comments On Posts (php)

I'm currently trying to use comments on my website. The comments will be used on posts I have. … Read more Comments On Posts (php)

Htmlfor Not Working

I created 3 radio buttons and a label for each of them using JavaScript. When I try adding for in t… Read more Htmlfor Not Working

A Random Number Between 1 And 4 That's Not Another Random Number

For some reason the following code doesn't work. var a1 = Math.floor(Math.random()*4+1); //An… Read more A Random Number Between 1 And 4 That's Not Another Random Number

Why Does Mongodb Require `unique:true` To Create A Collection?

I am developing a NodeJS application with Express and MongoDB. My objects were not getting saved to… Read more Why Does Mongodb Require `unique:true` To Create A Collection?

How To Check System's Time Format In Chrome - 12 Hours Or 24 Hours In Javascript?

date.toLocaleTimeString does not work in chrome and always return time in 12 hours format. I need t… Read more How To Check System's Time Format In Chrome - 12 Hours Or 24 Hours In Javascript?

Load Local Javascript In Webview?

I'm making mobile browser with my own ads in swift and i want to run script.I already inject ja… Read more Load Local Javascript In Webview?

What Is The Benefit Of Wrapping Angular Controller/service/factory Declarations In An Anonymous Function

I've seen a few developers tout 'best practices' when wrapping angular components in an… Read more What Is The Benefit Of Wrapping Angular Controller/service/factory Declarations In An Anonymous Function

How Can I Encript String To Sha-1 Using Javascript Or Jquery?

I want to hash a simple string with SHA-1 hash function using javascript. Solution 1: In a browser… Read more How Can I Encript String To Sha-1 Using Javascript Or Jquery?

Change Array.prototype In Node.js

I want to make some functions available to all my arrays. For instance, I want a function to remove… Read more Change Array.prototype In Node.js

How To Open Popup In React-leaflet?

I am working on developing a react-leaflet map that has multiple markers. My intention is to make p… Read more How To Open Popup In React-leaflet?

Calling Function Defined In An Iife Function From Html

I have a IIFE function in a file called test.js i.e. (function mainIIFE() { 'use strict'… Read more Calling Function Defined In An Iife Function From Html

Submitting Data Without Clicking A Submit Button

I want to create a table with rows full of inputs. The idea is that each row of inputs ties to one … Read more Submitting Data Without Clicking A Submit Button

How To Convert Step Code To Async.js (step => Waterfall, This.parallel)?

A couple years ago I was experimenting with NodeJS and found that the 'Step' library cleane… Read more How To Convert Step Code To Async.js (step => Waterfall, This.parallel)?

Add One Month To A Date In Javascript

I have an input field that needs to be incremented by one month using the JavaScript Date object. … Read more Add One Month To A Date In Javascript

How To Stop Refreshing Parent Page While Child Window Open?

when i click link to open child window, parent page refresh automatically. how can i stop it? paren… Read more How To Stop Refreshing Parent Page While Child Window Open?

Is It Possible To Close A Window/tab?

Is it possible to close a browser window/tab with jQuery/Javascript? Solution 1: window.close(); B… Read more Is It Possible To Close A Window/tab?

Code To Disable Magnifier, Set Wallpaper, And Save Image In Google Chrome?

I'm building a web app with custom buttons (images). Google Chrome displays three icons when ho… Read more Code To Disable Magnifier, Set Wallpaper, And Save Image In Google Chrome?

Must An Element Be Visible In Order To "load" Event Listener To Work?

In my document, there are two svg images: the preview and the result. The result image is computed … Read more Must An Element Be Visible In Order To "load" Event Listener To Work?

Creating A Sum Of Nested Object Values In Javascript

I'm using the following code to query an API, which is working well to return nested values in … Read more Creating A Sum Of Nested Object Values In Javascript

Want To Remove Browser.sleep()

Hi all I am working on a protractor to test a nonangular website. Initially while testing I had bro… Read more Want To Remove Browser.sleep()

Jquery - Looping A .load() Inside A 'for' Statement

I'm not sure if this will actually be possible, since load() is an asynchronous method, but I n… Read more Jquery - Looping A .load() Inside A 'for' Statement

Import A Library Into A Single File Component Of Vue.js

I need to import a library in my vue component, in the documentation I explain how to install it us… Read more Import A Library Into A Single File Component Of Vue.js

Go Back To Previous Page

I am using a form to 'Rate' a page. This form 'posts' data to a php script elsewher… Read more Go Back To Previous Page

Getting Data From Ajax Request Displayed

I've already read this article How do I return the response from an asynchronous call? However … Read more Getting Data From Ajax Request Displayed

Content Script On Chrome Error Page

How can I run my extension content script on Google Chrome error page? For example on the 'Thi… Read more Content Script On Chrome Error Page

Blur Event Does Not Get Fired In Ie7 And Ie6

I have a dropdown Menu where in a div is clicked and List is shown. On focus out I am supposed to … Read more Blur Event Does Not Get Fired In Ie7 And Ie6

Can I Google-code-prettify Only A Portion Of The Page? (run A Javascript Function On A Specified Portion Of The Page)

I am using google-code-prettify to format some code that I am placing on my website. the code is dy… Read more Can I Google-code-prettify Only A Portion Of The Page? (run A Javascript Function On A Specified Portion Of The Page)

Webstorm 12 Eap - Javascript Debug Configuration Doesn't Work With Built-in Webserver

I am trying to start debugging session using built-in WebStorm server after I created a new JavaScr… Read more Webstorm 12 Eap - Javascript Debug Configuration Doesn't Work With Built-in Webserver

Javascript Large Number Library?

Is there a library available in javascript to handle large numbers with accuracy (sort of like what… Read more Javascript Large Number Library? Connection Failed

I'm new to web programming and I try to use in my web-app. I finished configurations t… Read more Connection Failed

Ios Vs Android: Different Dates Displayed For The Same Program

I have a javascript code: newDate: function(days) { var newDate = new Date( parseInt(startDate)… Read more Ios Vs Android: Different Dates Displayed For The Same Program