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Showing posts from March, 2024

Portfolio Gallery With Filtering Categories

I tried edit Portfolio gallery with filtering categories from… Read more Portfolio Gallery With Filtering Categories

Node.js Passport Not Calling Next Function

I'm building an application using Node that uses Passport.js to handle user login using a local… Read more Node.js Passport Not Calling Next Function

Cant Fromat String To Date

When I try to convert a string value to a Date I get the error message 'Invalid date' times… Read more Cant Fromat String To Date

Passing A Url As A Get Parameter In Javascript

I am trying to make a bookmarklet that uses the user's current URL, kind of like the tinyURL bo… Read more Passing A Url As A Get Parameter In Javascript

Google + And Facebook Style Iframe Youtube Video. By Default Shows Video Image, When Image Clicked Video Plays

I already have a plugin that embeds videos on my site called oembed. What I need is a javascript co… Read more Google + And Facebook Style Iframe Youtube Video. By Default Shows Video Image, When Image Clicked Video Plays

Javascript: Converting Array To Object

I am trying to convert an array to an object, and I'm almost there. Here is my input array: [ {… Read more Javascript: Converting Array To Object

Jquery Selector For Highlighted Text

I want to know how to select Highlighted text using JQuery selector. For example, to select element… Read more Jquery Selector For Highlighted Text

Javascript: Get Cell's Column Id

For example: I want to accomplish what the following psuedo code does var intCol = document.getEle… Read more Javascript: Get Cell's Column Id

Xmlhttprequest Generates Html With More Xmlhttprequest Requests

Say I have the following code: Loading Dashboard..... Read more Xmlhttprequest Generates Html With More Xmlhttprequest Requests

Angular - Css - Custom Type=file Input, How To Use A Button Instead Of Label?

I made a custom input field of type='file' as I didn't like the default one. To achieve… Read more Angular - Css - Custom Type=file Input, How To Use A Button Instead Of Label?

Does Node.js Stream Transform Maintain The Order Of The Chunks?

I see in that the Transform Streams in the Node.js Stream API uses an asynchronous function to tran… Read more Does Node.js Stream Transform Maintain The Order Of The Chunks?

Mpeg-dash On Windows 8 Javascript App

Does anybody know if there are any samples or documentation for playing dash streaming in Windows 8… Read more Mpeg-dash On Windows 8 Javascript App

Angular Build Can't Find Installed Font-awesome Node_module

Whenever I build my project using ng build --prod I receive the following error: ERROR in ./src/sty… Read more Angular Build Can't Find Installed Font-awesome Node_module

How Do I Merge Consecutive Numbers In A Sorted List Of Numbers?

I want to concatenate a sequence of numbers in a readable string. Consecutive numbers should be mer… Read more How Do I Merge Consecutive Numbers In A Sorted List Of Numbers?

Preventing Cache On Javascript Files

I'm trying to prevent 2 JavaScript files from being cached by the browser. I've tryed to u… Read more Preventing Cache On Javascript Files

Sidebarnav Push Content With Opacity

Trying to have my menu push the content to the left and make it opaque until the user closes the me… Read more Sidebarnav Push Content With Opacity

Checking Two Boundaries With Jasmine (between Matcher)

In Jasmine, there are toBeGreaterThan and toBeLessThan matchers. What if I want to check an integer… Read more Checking Two Boundaries With Jasmine (between Matcher)

Ajax Call To Instagram (get /media/search) Timestamp Issue

I'm Getting 400 bad request as a response: {'meta':{'error_type':'APIInvali… Read more Ajax Call To Instagram (get /media/search) Timestamp Issue

Javascript - Connect Four Game Validation

I have the following test multidimensional array that mirrors a standard Connect Four gameboard: va… Read more Javascript - Connect Four Game Validation

Calling The Same Function When Any Radio Button Or Checkbox Are Clicked

I have some radio button and checkboxs like Solution 1: Since you may have other input elements in… Read more Calling The Same Function When Any Radio Button Or Checkbox Are Clicked

Highstock: Set Xaxis As Not "datetime"

I am trying to populate a highchart with some dynamic data in my angularjs application. I am using … Read more Highstock: Set Xaxis As Not "datetime"

Make Form Fields Optional With Javascript Validation

I have JavaScript form validation functions like so: function validate_name(field) { if (field… Read more Make Form Fields Optional With Javascript Validation

How To Prevent Css Keyframe Animation On Page Load?

I have some CSS animation with keyframes on my page for fadein/out elements. The problem is that th… Read more How To Prevent Css Keyframe Animation On Page Load?

Redirect To An Absolute Url In Angularjs

How to redirect user to an absolute url in angularjs. For example: i have a page, my current url (… Read more Redirect To An Absolute Url In Angularjs

How Can I Pass Value To Iframe With Javascript?

I opened an iFrame in my page and onClick event try to send a value to the textbox of the iframe Th… Read more How Can I Pass Value To Iframe With Javascript?

Speechsynthesis Stops Working After First Utterance In Firefox, But Works In Chrome

The problem is very simple, see JSfiddle. SpeechSynthesis works fine in Chrome, but mysteriously st… Read more Speechsynthesis Stops Working After First Utterance In Firefox, But Works In Chrome

Can I "step Over" Just Jquery Code While Debugging?

While stepping through a script that uses jQuery, I just want to test the code I wrote. I don'… Read more Can I "step Over" Just Jquery Code While Debugging?

Creating Google Maps' Interface In Dojo

I am trying to use the ArcGIS 2.1 JS API to create a custom interface that looks similar to Google … Read more Creating Google Maps' Interface In Dojo

Gulp + Babelify + Browserify Issue

I'm trying to create a gulp task with browserify and babelify. Here is the task: var gulp = req… Read more Gulp + Babelify + Browserify Issue

Js Regex: Replace Words Not In A Span Tag

For example: var htmlString = 'It's a nice day and also a sunny day , it's day for sur… Read more Js Regex: Replace Words Not In A Span Tag

D3.js Multi-series Chart With Y Value Tracking

Working solution: Right now I'm working on styling and on solving some of the issues regarding … Read more D3.js Multi-series Chart With Y Value Tracking

Javascript Api For Office: How To Get Currently Selected Cell Identifier?

I've come to the conclusion that this functionality is not currently available in the JavaScrip… Read more Javascript Api For Office: How To Get Currently Selected Cell Identifier?

Adding Dynamic Row In Table, But It Is Emptying Data In The Row

What am I doing wrong here. Need help. When I click on 'Add' button, the data I selected in… Read more Adding Dynamic Row In Table, But It Is Emptying Data In The Row

Get Access To The Class Static Properties Using Babeljs 6

Below is the minimal app which demonstrate the issue: 'use strict'; var _ = require('u… Read more Get Access To The Class Static Properties Using Babeljs 6

Angularjs: Bi-directional Communication Between Two Scopes/controllers Via A Service

I have quite a few scenarios where I need clicks, etc. to trigger behavior in another place on the … Read more Angularjs: Bi-directional Communication Between Two Scopes/controllers Via A Service

How To Preserve Text Selection When Opening A Jquery Dialog

Using jQuery's dialog I came across the following quirk (tested in FF3): User selects text In … Read more How To Preserve Text Selection When Opening A Jquery Dialog

Javascript Timeout - Specification

This is more than a question, it is a request to ensure the Quality of Service (QoS) of Javascript&… Read more Javascript Timeout - Specification

Config Issues With Factories In App.js & Stateprovider

I am trying to set up a factory in my app.js of my ionic app. I have the following code that should… Read more Config Issues With Factories In App.js & Stateprovider

Npm Formidable Upload, Use With Js Formdata On Client

I wanna send a file to the server with FormData by drag and drop, and save it to disk with Formidab… Read more Npm Formidable Upload, Use With Js Formdata On Client

Bind To Events Inside Dynamically Created Iframe

I need to bind to an event (say a click on an arbitrary ) inside an iframe that is created dynamica… Read more Bind To Events Inside Dynamically Created Iframe

Emscripten Bindings: How To Create An Accessible C/c++ Array From Javascript?

I am using box2d and attempting to create a chain shape. In order to create a chain shape or polyg… Read more Emscripten Bindings: How To Create An Accessible C/c++ Array From Javascript?

Ajax Div Toggle Avoiding Reloading Content

I had a question regarding Ajax loading of html into a DIV. Ideally what I want is this: A toggle d… Read more Ajax Div Toggle Avoiding Reloading Content

Warning: File Upload Error - Unable To Create A Temporary File In Unknown On Line 0

Am getting the following error everytime I try to upload a file . 'Warning: File upload error … Read more Warning: File Upload Error - Unable To Create A Temporary File In Unknown On Line 0

Jquery .load - How To Target The Loaded File With Javascript And Jquery

If I have a template index.html and use jquery.load to include a file with html e.g $('#targetD… Read more Jquery .load - How To Target The Loaded File With Javascript And Jquery

How To Hide Url In The Popup Window Opened Using

I am using below code to open a popup window in my page:'myPopupWindow.html', … Read more How To Hide Url In The Popup Window Opened Using

Evaluate Subclass Method Inside Base Class Scope In Javascript

base = function () { this.A = function () { this.B(); } var C = function () { alert(&… Read more Evaluate Subclass Method Inside Base Class Scope In Javascript

Maximum Execution Time For Javascript

I know both ie and firefox have limits for javascript execution (Source 1, Source 2). Based on numb… Read more Maximum Execution Time For Javascript

Trying To Pass Onchange Function As Props To Grandchlidren Result Into Typeerror: This Is Undefined

I am trying to pass a onChange function the parent to grandChild but getting error TypeError: this … Read more Trying To Pass Onchange Function As Props To Grandchlidren Result Into Typeerror: This Is Undefined