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Cant Fromat String To Date

When I try to convert a string value to a Date I get the error message 'Invalid date' timestamp : string = '2017:03:22 08:45:22'; . . let time = new Date(timestamp); console.log('T

Solution 1:

Since your string must be in ISO date format you can change it like in the code below:

let timestamp : string = "2017:03:22 08:45:22";

let timestampISO : string = timestamp.replace(':','-').replace(':','-').replace(' ','T');

let time = newDate(timestampISO);

console.log("Time: ",time);

Solution 2:

Your date must be a version of an ISO format.

To be more specific, it must be a version of ISO8601. See more here.


let time = newDate("2017/03/22 08:45:22");

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