Google Maps Heatmaplayer Clickable Endpoints
When a user reaches a zoom level where the cluster only consist of 1-4 LatLng points I would like to make the object clickable to show source of the data used for the heatmap. Any
Solution 1:
There is no click-event for a heatmap( basically there isn't any event a heatmap will listen to).
What you can do: use a markerClusterer.
Create Markers for all points, as markerImage assign a a transparent image(a size of 15x15 should be fine) and apply the desired click-event to the marker.
Push the markers into a markerClusterer and apply the following style to the clusterer:
url: 'path/to/transparentImage.png',
height: 0,
width: 0,
textColor: 'transparent',
textSize: 0
as long as the markers are clustered, you'll not see anything.
When a marker isn't clustered anymore, you'll also not see anything(because the marker is transparent), but you can click on the transparent marker, and the marker will respond to the click.
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