Identifying Event On Arc Of Circle
Solution 1:
The quick answer is: No, but...
Canvas does not "remember" anything drawn on itself--drawings are just color pixels added to the canvas. Canvas doesn't know the position of your arc and can't hit-test to see if the mousdown is inside that arc. can use math
You can use math to test if any point is inside the circle.
If any x/y is inside the outer radius of a circle and not inside the inner radius, then x/y is in the arc.
Given centerX,centerY,outerRadius,innerRadius:
Test if x,y is inside the outer radius:
var dx=testX-centerX;
var dy=testY-centerY;
var isInsideOuterRadius=(dx*dx+dy*dy<outerRadius*outerRadius);
Test if x,y is not inside the inner radius:
var isInsideInnerRadius=(dx*dx+dy*dy<innerRadius*innerRadius);
So if( isInsideOuterRadius && !isInsideInnerRadius){ alert("x/y is in your arc"); }
If you want to get fancy:
If you "remember" the arc for canvas, then canvas has a hit-test for that arc.
Context.isPointInStroke will test if an X/Y is located inside the most recently drawn path. If that most recent path is your arc, you can hit-test your arc.
For example, if you draw this arc:
You can hit-test that arc by supplying isPointInStroke with your mouse coordinates:
console.log("The mouse is INSIDE the arc");
console.log("The mouse is OUTSIDE the arc");
To test multiple arcs,
- Define one arc ( do context.arc without context.stroke )
- Test that arc with isPointInStroke
- Do #1 with the next arc
Except IE :(
isPointInStroke will work in Chrome and Firefox but won't yet work in Internet Explorer.
Alternatively for IE:
You can define a path around the outside of your arc and then use isPointInPath to test if your mouse is inside that path.
[ Update: and example ]
Here's a Fiddle (must view with Chrome or FF -- IE won't work):
Here's example code:
<!doctype html><html><head><linktype="text/css"media="all"href="css/reset.css" /><!-- reset css --><scripttype="text/javascript"src=""></script><style>body{ background-color: ivory; }
#canvas{border:1px solid red;}
var canvas=document.getElementById("canvas");
var context=canvas.getContext("2d");
var canvasOffset=$("#canvas").offset();
var offsetX=canvasOffset.left;
// create some test data objectsvar arcs=[];
//outer arcs
arcs.push({cx:100, cy:100, radius:75, start:0, end: PI2*.33, color:"red"});
arcs.push({cx:100, cy:100, radius:75, start:PI2*.33, end: PI2*.66, color:"green"});
arcs.push({cx:100, cy:100, radius:75, start:PI2*.66, end: PI2, color:"blue"});
// inner arcs
arcs.push({cx:100, cy:100, radius:45, start:0, end: PI2*.55, color:"purple"});
arcs.push({cx:100, cy:100, radius:45, start:PI2*.55, end: PI2*.75, color:"orange"});
arcs.push({cx:100, cy:100, radius:45, start:PI2*.75, end: PI2, color:"maroon"});
// visibly draw all arcs for(var i=0;i<arcs.length;i++){
// define BUT NOT VISIBLY DRAW an arcfunctiondefineArc(arc){
// handle mousemove eventsfunctionhandleMouseMove(e){
// get mouse position
// reset the results box to invisible
// hit-test each arcfor(var i=0;i<arcs.length;i++){
// define one arcdefineArc(arcs[i]);
// test that one arc// if "hit" fill the results box with that arc's colorif(context.isPointInStroke(mouseX,mouseY)){
// listen for mousemoves
}); // end $(function(){});</script></head><body><h4>Move mouse over any arc</h4><h4>When mouse is over arc, that color rect will appear</h4><canvasid="canvas"width=300height=300></canvas></body></html>
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