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Why Doesn't Jest.spyon() Sometimes Work On A Vue Component's Method?

I see the changes the method makes as event handler, but jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'methodName') doesn't catch the call in major cases, but in some tests it somehow works. I suspect a

Solution 1:

The difference between logOut and showLogOutModal methods is how they are used.

logOut is called as regular method:


And showLogOutModal is passed as a callback:


this.showLogOutModal is mocked with jest.spyOn after this.showLogOutModal is read to to be used as event handler, so a spy doesn't affect anything.

This would likely be fixed by forcing a re-render after replacing wrapper.vm.showLogOutModal with a spy:

const mockedShowModalMethod = jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'showLogOutModal');
await wrapper.vm.$forceUpdate();

But a workaround listed in the question is the recommended way to do this:

const mockedShowModalMethod = jest.spyOn(Header.methods, 'showLogOutModal');
const wrapper = createWrapper(Header);

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