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Vis.js Simple Example: Edges Do Not Show

I working on a simple network visualization example based on vis.js. I have 5 nodes and 6 edges which I store in a JSON file. The edges do not show up, whereas they do in the examp

Solution 1:

vis requires data in this format:

var nodes = new vis.DataSet([
{id: 1, label: 'Node 1'},
{id: 2, label: 'Node 2'},
{id: 3, label: 'Node 3'},
{id: 4, label: 'Node 4'},
{id: 5, label: 'Node 5'}

// create an array with edges
var edges = new vis.DataSet([
{from: 1, to: 3},
{from: 1, to: 2},
{from: 2, to: 4},
{from: 2, to: 5}

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