Javascript Rabbitmq -> Pull Single Message
I'm trying to pull a single message off of rabbitmq, process it, and acknowledge that single message. I don't want it to continue after acknowledgement pulling messages off the que
Solution 1:
You can pull messages one at a time, using channel.get (see, I find this can be useful, rather than using consume (even with prefetch). You can use a long lived channel as well for this purpose.
var amqpChannel = null;
amqp.connect('amqp://guest:guest@localhost', (err, conn) => {
conn.createChannel((err, ch) => {
if (err) {
} else {
amqpChannel = ch;
var readMessageFromQueue = function() {
if (amqpChannel) {
amqpChannel.get(q, data => {
// data will be set to false if no messages are available on the queue.
if (data) {
// Whatever interval you like..
setInterval(readMessageFromQueue, 1000);
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