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React Native And Mobx: How To Create A Global Store?

I am currently trying to implement a mobx storage which I can call from everywhere like so: import {userStore} from '../UserStore.js'; At the end of the file, my export functional

Solution 1:

You simply need a singleton instance of UserStore class

Sample demo

let localInstance = null;

exportclassApple {
  staticnewInstance() {
    if (! localInstance)
      localInstance = newApple();
    return localInstance;

// usageimport {Apple} from'./apple';
const instance = Apple. newInstance();

In your case, you can use a simple function

import {observable, computed, action} from'mobx';
import {ObservableMap, toJS} from'mobx';
import {Fb} from'./firebase.js';

classUserStore {
  // omitted

let userStore;
exportfunctiongetUserstore() {
  if (!userStore)
    userStore = newUserStore();
  return userStore;

Somewhere in code

// instead of import {userStore} from'./someUserStoreModule';

// use import {getUserstore} from'./someUserStoreModule';
const userStore = getUserstore();

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