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Json2htmled Jquery Mobile Button Inside Table Td Looks Old, Has Old Button Inside New One After Button()/refresh

I'm using this transform to build a jQuery mobile button inside of a regular table 'td': { 'tag':'button', 'type':'button', 'id':'${idPrefix}-delete', 'data-role':'

Solution 1:

To speed-up webapp initializing and to increase jQM's performance, jQM team decided to drop .buttonMarkup() widget and replace it with classes.

There is no longer data-role=button, data-mini=true, etc... All are replaced with classes as follows.

To convert a button or an anchor into a jQM button, just add ui-btn class. To add an icon with position ui-btn-icon-left, right, top, bottom. Icon's image ui-icon-bars, delete, info, etc. Mini button/anchor ui-mini. Button's theme ui-btn-a or b.

<buttonclass="ui-btn ui-mini ui-btn-icon-right ui-icon-delete">Button</button>


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