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Aurelia: Object Doesn't Support Property Or Method 'bind' In Ie 11

The problem I am trying to get my Aurelia project working in Internet Explorer 11, however, I am getting the following message: Object doesn't support property or method 'bind' (a

Solution 1:

bindis supported by IE since IE 9. Maybe you triggered other IE modes than IE 11.

You could try to add <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> in <head> section of html. I also found two similar threads you could refer to: thread 1, thread 2.

If the issue still persists, you could provide a minimal code sample to reproduce the issue.

Solution 2:

The issue happened because Compatibility View was default enabled in Internet Explorer 11. To ignore this, you can add the meta tag that Yu Zhou posted, this has to be the FIRST meta tag in the head section:


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