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Ionic 4 Events Not Working In Device But Working On Browser

I'm using '@ionic/angular': '^4.11.10' I'm trying to display the tabs in ion-tabs in ion-tab-bar depending on whether an event was emitted. I have an *ngIf for conditional renderin

Solution 1:

To update Data from one page to other we used Events library. but events are no longer available in ionic 5. blow is the solution. run command:

ionic generate service events        // this will create events provider

copy paste blow code.

import { Injectable } from'@angular/core';
import {Subject} from'rxjs';

  providedIn: 'root'
exportclassEventsService {

private fooSubject = newSubject<any>();

constructor() { }

    publishLogin(data: any) {;

    receiveLogin(): Subject<any> {

From Page A: import your service initialize it in constructor //

constructor(public events: EventsService){}

and publish event E.g.;

Receive it in Page B: import your service initialize it in constructor //

constructor(public events: EventsService){}>{

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