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Filter Array Of Objects By Property Value

I'm new with Angular and observables. I'm getting from a JSON file a list of products. products.service getProducts(): Observable{ return this._http.get

Solution 1:

Try this.

let o = { "products": [
    "quantity": 308,
    "price": "$8,958",
    "available": false,
    "sublevel_id": 3,
    "name": "aute",
    "id": "58b5a5b1b6b6c7aacc25b3fb"
    "quantity": 891,
    "price": "$5,450",
    "available": true,
    "sublevel_id": 3,
    "name": "mollit",
    "id": "58b5a5b117bf36cf8aed54ab"
    "quantity": 698,
    "price": "$17,001",
    "available": false,
    "sublevel_id": 10,
    "name": "eiusmod",
    "id": "58b5a5b18607b1071fb5ab5b"

let filtered = o.products.filter(p => p.available===true)

Solution 2:

This should work.

getProducts(): void{
        .subscribe(products =>this.products = products.filter(product=>product.available==true));

Solution 3:

use the filter operator inside the pipe and do the normal subscription

filterProducts(): Observable<Product[]>{

return this.getProducts()
       filter(products =>  product.available )


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