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Calling Action From The Popup

I am facing when i am opening a popup. &

Solution 1:

i want to call an action when i close this popup

Give a close button perform the desire action and redirect user to a page which is meant to closed on load by javascript

secondly i need to change width and height of this popup.

You can specify height & width in

Solution 2:

i want to call an action when i close this popup

That's only possible if the enduser submits a <h:form> from inside the popup. You cannot hook a bean action when the enduser presses X button or Ctrl+W or Alt+F4. There's the window.onbeforeunload hook, but this does not allow you for reliably sending a HTTP request to the server side, which is necessary to invoke a bean action.

secondly i need to change width and height of this popup.

You can do that by supplying extra arguments to See also the documentation:'#{bean.url}', 'yourwindowname', 'width=600,height=480');

Solution 3:

we are using onbeforeunload hook for calling the function from the popup when we popup window

<script>window.onbeforeunload = function() { 
    </script><h:body><f:view><h:formid="showpdf"><iframesrc="#{docProd.url}"width="100%"height="100%"></iframe><divalign="center"><p:commandButtonid="hiddenBtn"onclick="#{docProd.resetUrl}"style="display:none"   /></div></h:form></f:view></h:body></ui:composition>

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