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Ror And Json: No Refresh On Button Click And Updating Count

I am trying to get follow buttons to change without refreshing the page on click. The following code works but only for the first post in the loop I am rendering in the view. The r

Solution 1:

$(document).on('ajax:success', '.follow-btn', function(e) {
  // the JSON fetchedlet data = e.details[0];
  // the method we are changing tolet method = this.dataset.method === 'post' ? 'delete' : 'post';
  // lookup table for the textlet txt = {
    post: 'Follow',
    delete: 'Unfollow'
  // loop through elements with the same href
  $(`.follow-btn[href="${this.getAttribute('href')}"]`).each(function() {
    // change the attributes of the single node in the loopthis.dataset.method = method;
    $(this).text(`${txt} (${data.count})`);

// This mocks the ajax call purely for the sake of this stacksnippets example.// Do not include this in your actual implementation
$(document).on('click', 'a[data-remote]', function(e) {
  window.setTimeout(function() {
    let event = jQuery.Event('ajax:success');
    event.details = [{ count: 5 }, 'No Content'];
  }, 25);
<scriptsrc=""></script><div><p>User 1</p><ahref="/follow/1"class="follow-btn"data-method="post"data-remote="true">Follow</a><ahref="/follow/1"class="follow-btn"data-method="post"data-remote="true">Follow</a></div><div><p>User 2</p><ahref="/follow/2"class="follow-btn"data-method="post"data-remote="true">Follow</a><ahref="/follow/2"class="follow-btn"data-method="post"data-remote="true">Follow</a></div>

You can provide counts in the JSON responses by using render json::

def create
    respond_to do |format|
      format.json do
        render json: { count: @user.followers.count }, 
               status: :created  

def destroy
  respond_to do |format|
    format.json do
        render json: { count: @user.followers.count }, 
               status: :ok

I'm just guessing the association so adjust according to your models.

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