Make Html Canvas Generate Pdf-ready Line Art?
I have an HTML/JavaScript program that uses the HTML5 canvas to generate a pretty graph: I want to include this graph in a book that I'm producing with LaTeX. Unfortunately, when
Solution 1:
The following is code that generates SVG that reproduces the rotated piece you have given in your question. The method is drawRotatedPiece(x, y, radius, angle)
// Generate a SVG path commandfunctionxycmd(cmd,x,y){
return cmd+ x + " " + y;
return xycmd("M", x, y) +
xycmd("L", x+w, y) +
xycmd("L", x+w, y+h) +
xycmd("L", x, y+h) +
functiondrawRotatedPiece(x, y, radius, angle){
svg+="<path style='stroke:red;fill:white'";
svg+=" transform='translate("+x+","+y+")'";
svg+=" d='";
svg+=rectpathxy(-radius, -radius, radius*2, radius*2);
svg+="<path style='stroke:none;fill:black'";
svg+=" transform='translate("+x+","+y+") rotate("+angle+")'";
svg+=" d='";
var w=radius;
var h=radius*2/3.0;
svg+= xycmd("M", 0, -radius) +
xycmd("L", -radius, 0) +
xycmd("L", +radius, 0) +
"Z" +
xycmd("M", x, y) +
xycmd("L", x+w, y) +
xycmd("L", x+w, y+h) +
xycmd("L", x, y+h) +
return svg;
In case you need to generate any other graphics in SVG format (especially simple graphics like yours that are just a bunch of stroked and filled paths), my note on the Essentials of SVG may help you translate those graphics to SVG.
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