Leaflet Load Data And Edit Feature Properties On Mouse Click
I am loading map data from a GeoJSON file and attaching a click event for every polygone. on click, the script should fetch data from the server AND modify one of the clicked polyg
Solution 1:
The solution is to send the desired variable e
to the anonymous function by using the context entry:
functiononClick(e) {
var status = e.target.feature.properties.ACCESS;
url: ""+e.target.feature.properties.ID_PARCELL,
dataType: 'jsonp',
context: e,
type: 'GET',
success: function(data) {
status = data.status;
e.target.feature.properties.ACCESS = data.status;
e.target.bindPopup("Owner: <b>"+ data.status +"</b>").openPopup();
error: function(data){console.log(data)}
e.target.feature.properties.ACCESS = status;
Solution 2:
You'r using the same event name 'e' on both Click and success functions. Try to change one of them. ie
functiononClick(e) {
var status = e.target.feature.properties.ACCESS;
url: ""+e.target.feature.properties.ID_PARCELL,
dataType: 'jsonp',
type: 'GET',
success: function(data, evt) {
status = data.status;
e.target.feature.properties.ACCESS = data.status;
e.target.bindPopup("Owner: <b>"+ data.status +"</b>").openPopup();
error: function(data){console.log(data)}
e.target.feature.properties.ACCESS = status;
now you can change the initial event 'e' properties when the result is returned. Hope this helps.
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