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How To Get Array Element From Model In Backbone.js

I have the following code: Person = new Backbone.Model({ data:[ { age: '27' }, {name: 'alamin'} ] }); now, how can I get the value? person=new Person(); person.get(?); P

Solution 1:

If you're using this model:

Person = new Backbone.Model({

    { age: "27" },
    {name: "alamin"}


So if you want to pull from an array within a model explicitly you should try this:

i = new App.Model.Person();

This would return:


From there you can iterate through the data however you prefer.

Solution 2:

I don't know of a data property when defining a model - maybe you mean defaults? as in

var Person = Backbone.Model.extend({
   defaults: {
      property1: value1,
      property2: value2,
      property3: ["arrval1", "arrval2", "arrval3"]

You would retrieve the value of certain property using get: myperson.get('property1'). To set the value of a property use set: myperson.set('property1', 'newValueOfProperty')

If a property is an array the myperson.get('property3')[ index ]

Solution 3:

To get the array as an object:

Use person.get('data')

To get the value of an attribute from the array:

Use person.get('data').name

Or person.get('data')['name']

Solution 4:

To obtain attributes of a specific element of the array:

var people = person.get('data'); // This gets the array of people.var individual = people[0];      // This gets the 0th element of the array.var age = individual.age;        // This gets the age property.var name =;      // This gets the name property.

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