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Showing posts from December, 2023

How To Get An Element's Id From

Consider a piece of code that looks like the following: $('body').on('click', funct… Read more How To Get An Element's Id From

Regex For Email Validation (minimum Characters)

How to write a regular expression for email validation in javascript so that,characters before '… Read more Regex For Email Validation (minimum Characters)

Attaching A File In Email In Html5 Web Page

I am attaching file in html web app using following code but it is not working I will assume tha… Read more Attaching A File In Email In Html5 Web Page

Google Chrome Userscripts Reference

I have been trying to figure this one out for a while, but when I try to reference a window that I … Read more Google Chrome Userscripts Reference

Easyautocomplete And Width Of Input

When I add behavior='autocomplete' to my input field, width is changing and not scaling any… Read more Easyautocomplete And Width Of Input

React Materialui Card: How To Change Card's Class On Expand? -> Custom React Component

There are 20 cards on the page. MaterialUI Card has onExpandChange property where I can define an a… Read more React Materialui Card: How To Change Card's Class On Expand? -> Custom React Component

Info Argument Is Empty In Apollo Graphql Resolver Type Signature

I'm working on this library called Wertik JS to make Gr… Read more Info Argument Is Empty In Apollo Graphql Resolver Type Signature

Js Game - Shooting In Random Directions

I am working on a HTML5 canvas / Javascript based game. It is a fighter jet game, after I pass spec… Read more Js Game - Shooting In Random Directions

How Can I Get Equivalent Method Of Httpwebrequest In Javascript

As we all know HttpwebRequest loads another page behind the scenes without redirecting the client t… Read more How Can I Get Equivalent Method Of Httpwebrequest In Javascript

React Boostrap Carousel Not Working

I'm trying to create a simple carousel using react-bootstrap. This is the simple uncontrolled c… Read more React Boostrap Carousel Not Working

Difference Running Protractor With/without Selenium?

Checking the protractor documentation, I see there is a option to run protractor without using Sele… Read more Difference Running Protractor With/without Selenium?

Unable To Hide Some Components From Some Specific Routes

So I have this app which have the same layout in all routes except in two, Login and Register. I ha… Read more Unable To Hide Some Components From Some Specific Routes

Click On Button/submit When It Appears On Page

I have a page where a button or a submit form will appear at an unknown time. I don´t know the id, … Read more Click On Button/submit When It Appears On Page

Angularjs 1.4 --> Angular 9 Migration Vs Bigbang Rewrite

I have decided to do a complete rewrite of the large scale application that I am working on since i… Read more Angularjs 1.4 --> Angular 9 Migration Vs Bigbang Rewrite

Javascript Doesn't Recognize Turkish Characters

I have this code : if (term.length > 0) { var inputVal = $('#input').val(); if (inpu… Read more Javascript Doesn't Recognize Turkish Characters

React Rendering Deleted Array Element After Setstate()

I'm having an issue where React seems to be rendering a deleted array element after I've re… Read more React Rendering Deleted Array Element After Setstate()

Using Map To Cache For Around 5000 Entries In Javascript Apllication Vs Redis

I have a PRICE_MAPPER table at my DB It has around 5000 entries Price is determined on 3 entry type… Read more Using Map To Cache For Around 5000 Entries In Javascript Apllication Vs Redis

What's The Best Way To Test Express.js Api

I'm new in API testing with JavaScript. I've found many solution for testing REST APIs, but… Read more What's The Best Way To Test Express.js Api

How To Write A Value That Contains A Comma To A Csv File?

I have a javascript program to write values to a csv file. I have a value that includes comma withi… Read more How To Write A Value That Contains A Comma To A Csv File?

Webpack Not Finding Path Of Svg Css Backgrounds

The PNGs files works fine: .marker { background: url(../assets/marker.png) But when I change the… Read more Webpack Not Finding Path Of Svg Css Backgrounds

Strange/unexpected Jquery Promise Reject Behaviour

I am experimenting some strange behaviours with jQuery promises on reject. I have an array of promi… Read more Strange/unexpected Jquery Promise Reject Behaviour

Javascript Binding - Arrow Functions And Bind

I have this bit of code: const data = { x: 'Target' } let bar = () => { console.lo… Read more Javascript Binding - Arrow Functions And Bind

Bootstrap 4 Toggle Checkbox Within Dropdown Menu

I placed a checkbox styled with Bootstrap Toggle Plugin ( in a Boot… Read more Bootstrap 4 Toggle Checkbox Within Dropdown Menu

Internationalization Of Html Pages For My Google Chrome Extension

I found a very easy way to implement translation (or localization) of my Google Chrome Extension, b… Read more Internationalization Of Html Pages For My Google Chrome Extension

Console Error While Running React Js Sample Web App

I am new to React js and was trying my hands on a very simple hello react kinda web app. But while … Read more Console Error While Running React Js Sample Web App

Javascript: Refresh Iframe Browser Specific

i need a solution for refreshing an iframe which works for different browsers. can you confirm, tha… Read more Javascript: Refresh Iframe Browser Specific

How To Avoid Locking My Html Structure When Using Jquery To Create Rich Client Experiences?

I've had this happen to me three times now and I feel it's time I learned how to avoid this… Read more How To Avoid Locking My Html Structure When Using Jquery To Create Rich Client Experiences?

How To Remove The End Tag From A Html String Using Js

I want to remove the end tag of a given HTML string. I get the HTML string from the document like s… Read more How To Remove The End Tag From A Html String Using Js

Distributional Sampling In Node.js

I wonder how it's possible to perform distributional sampling in Node.js. In particular, I have… Read more Distributional Sampling In Node.js

Jquery: How To Make An Ajax Request And Continue Without Waiting For Request To Complete?

I want to make an AJAX request 'in the background' of my JavasSript function, but my script… Read more Jquery: How To Make An Ajax Request And Continue Without Waiting For Request To Complete?

Invalid Date In Firefox - Javascript

I want to put the following string: '10-10-2013 03:04' in a Date object. It's working i… Read more Invalid Date In Firefox - Javascript

Javascript: Scrollby Function Executed On A Div

I have a div with overflow: scroll; And I would like to put a button. When you press it, the conten… Read more Javascript: Scrollby Function Executed On A Div

Uncaught Syntaxerror: Unexpected Token In Json At Position 0

With some help, I have managed to make a form that validates and confirms user password before addi… Read more Uncaught Syntaxerror: Unexpected Token In Json At Position 0

Using Multiple Layouts For React-router Components

If I have the following: { /* Routes that use layout 1 */ } Solution 1: You can use routes w… Read more Using Multiple Layouts For React-router Components

Unexpected Output Using Reduce To Create Json

I'm working with apps script. I have an array of objects 'sendableRows' that I would li… Read more Unexpected Output Using Reduce To Create Json

Can't Open A Modal Window In Angularjs, Using Bootstrap

This is my app.js file: const app = angular.module('CurseTransport', [ 'ui.router&#… Read more Can't Open A Modal Window In Angularjs, Using Bootstrap

Calling An External Page Into A Modal Window With Ajax

I want to load an external page in a modal window. by default i've already added some text in t… Read more Calling An External Page Into A Modal Window With Ajax

Requirejs Search For Instead Of App.js (where App.js Is Entry Point Specified In Data-main)

Problem: I have a trivial demo application which use requireJS. When require.min.js script loads, … Read more Requirejs Search For Instead Of App.js (where App.js Is Entry Point Specified In Data-main)

Selecting An Option On A Dynamically-populated Select Element In Jquery/ajax

I have a dynamically-populated select box which is intended to be used for displaying information a… Read more Selecting An Option On A Dynamically-populated Select Element In Jquery/ajax

Jquery Listbox Return What User Selected

i am using this demo: i would like … Read more Jquery Listbox Return What User Selected

Pass Function With One Argument To Using Jsfuck

I want to convert following code (ignore console.log) to jsfuck convention where only characters []… Read more Pass Function With One Argument To Using Jsfuck

Javascript Switch Statement Only Executes The Default Case

I'm new to JavaScript and wrote this short script to choose a random background color for the b… Read more Javascript Switch Statement Only Executes The Default Case

In Javascript V8 Does Compilation Phase Happen To Functions Before Execution Phase Then All The Code Is Executed Or Only For Global Context

I read many articles saying that compilation(creation) phase happens first to the global execution … Read more In Javascript V8 Does Compilation Phase Happen To Functions Before Execution Phase Then All The Code Is Executed Or Only For Global Context

How To Save My Javascript Array To A File?

My phonegap/iOS application has a file named data.js which contains an array. The application works… Read more How To Save My Javascript Array To A File?

How To Increment A Bootstrap Progress Bar?

I have just started out with .php/Java can someone show me how to get my bootstrap progress bar to … Read more How To Increment A Bootstrap Progress Bar?

Do I Need To Refresh A Page To See If The Indexed Db Was Reset?

I started working with Indexed DB for HTML 5 but I am obtaining some strange results. The first one… Read more Do I Need To Refresh A Page To See If The Indexed Db Was Reset?

Jquery Toggle Class On Child Element

I have list of links, and if you click on any of them, it will toggle show/hide text below it in se… Read more Jquery Toggle Class On Child Element

How Do You Parse A Date From An Html5 Date Input?

I have an input on my webpage that I am able to set the date on by getting an ISO string and pullin… Read more How Do You Parse A Date From An Html5 Date Input?

Dynamically Adding And Removing Segments From A Track In Openlayers 3

I want to display a track in real-time with OpenLayers 3 which disolves at the end, just like a sna… Read more Dynamically Adding And Removing Segments From A Track In Openlayers 3

How To Replace All Occurences Of A Variable In A String Using Javascript?

I'm trying to replace all the occurrences of a variable in a string using javascript. This is … Read more How To Replace All Occurences Of A Variable In A String Using Javascript?

Angular Firestore Display A Button Depending Of A Returned Boolean Which Checks If An Firestore Document Exist

Requested behaviour: Displaying a button in an Angular view depending on a returned boolean of an … Read more Angular Firestore Display A Button Depending Of A Returned Boolean Which Checks If An Firestore Document Exist

How Can Implement Overloading In Javascript/jquery?

Im trying to call functions with same signature. Example: There are two functions with same name: Read more How Can Implement Overloading In Javascript/jquery?

I Can Not Move My Nodes, The Force Diagram Does Not Apply In 3.js

In a previous question a user helped me with a problem that consisted in not knowing how to put ima… Read more I Can Not Move My Nodes, The Force Diagram Does Not Apply In 3.js

How To Get Full Javascript/typescript Debugging In Chrome With Visual Studio (like Ie)

Is there a method for interactive debugging JavaScript and TypeScript in Visual Studio using Chrome… Read more How To Get Full Javascript/typescript Debugging In Chrome With Visual Studio (like Ie)

R Leaflet Custom Attribution String

When using the R leaflet package, how can I add something additional to the attribution string (i.e… Read more R Leaflet Custom Attribution String

Google Chart With Csv Data: Columns Error

I'm currently attempting to utilize google charts as my method of showing live data on our site… Read more Google Chart With Csv Data: Columns Error

Jquery: Best Place To Put Html Tag Handlers

Where do you personally prefer to put html tag handlers with JQuery-powered Html page and why: html… Read more Jquery: Best Place To Put Html Tag Handlers

Converting Svg With Image Element To Html Canvas

I'm just trying to convert svg to html canvas, it works fine until i use image element in svg, … Read more Converting Svg With Image Element To Html Canvas

Filling Input Field Based On Dropdown Menu Selection With Javascript

In a MySQL database, I have a table of items with the item's ID, name and default price. I wish… Read more Filling Input Field Based On Dropdown Menu Selection With Javascript

How To Reload A Component In Angular Without Reloading The Whole Page

I want to reload a route but without reloading the entire page. This is not what I want: window.loc… Read more How To Reload A Component In Angular Without Reloading The Whole Page

Problem With Stock Quote From Google Finance

Below is the example I got from google finance for a stock quote. But it doesnt seem to be working.… Read more Problem With Stock Quote From Google Finance

Importing Lodash Into Angular2 + Typescript Application

I am having a hard time trying to get the lodash modules imported. I've setup my project using … Read more Importing Lodash Into Angular2 + Typescript Application

Set Width Of Javascript Popup Box

Possible Duplicate: How to break line in Javascript I'm using the below javascript to display… Read more Set Width Of Javascript Popup Box

How Do I Implement User Authentication In A Chrome Extension Using Google App Engine As Backend?

This is a follow up to my previous question. I am working on a Chrome extension http://ting-1.apps… Read more How Do I Implement User Authentication In A Chrome Extension Using Google App Engine As Backend?

Replacing A Sticky Header With A Second Header When It Reaches The Currently Stuck Header

I've been reading up on sticky headers and this is what I've found so far. The first sticky… Read more Replacing A Sticky Header With A Second Header When It Reaches The Currently Stuck Header

Updating A Collection From A Different Database

I'm using Mongo 4.1 and would like to update a collection named 'location_copy', by add… Read more Updating A Collection From A Different Database

Multiple Jquery Dialogs On One Page

I'm using jquery dialog popup. I have multiple div's (dynamically created) that require th… Read more Multiple Jquery Dialogs On One Page

Unable To Send Callback To More Than One Cordova.exec

I am building a phonegap application and have called a java native plugin from it using cordova.exe… Read more Unable To Send Callback To More Than One Cordova.exec

Multiple Callbacks In Coffeescript

I am trying to work out the correct behavior to string multiple callbacks together. class Person … Read more Multiple Callbacks In Coffeescript