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Posting Form Data Jquery

I am trying to build a mobile app but am having some trouble getting the basics of Jquery/Javascript. I am trying to make it so I can type in any value I want into the input field

Solution 1:

Give the submit button an id called "submit"

functiononSuccess(data, status) {
        data = $.trim(data);
           //make a div with id "notification" before running this code
        $.mobile.hidePageLoadingMsg(); //used on jquery mobile to hide a loader

    functiononError(data, status) {
        data = $.trim(data);
        $.mobile.hidePageLoadingMsg(); //used on jquery mobile to hide a loader
    $("#submit").click(function() {
        $.mobile.showPageLoadingMsg(); //used on jquery mobile to show a loadervar formData = $("#commentForm").serialize(); //get all data from form//do the POST thingies
            type: "POST",
            url: "url_to_your_php_interpreter",
            cache: false,
            data: formData,
            success: onSuccess,
            error: onError


I'm using this script to login an user. PS: everything you will "echo" from php interpreter will be shown on div with id "notification" wich you will (probably) create

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