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React Navigation After Login Navigate Problem

I'm using useNavigation in React Navigation. After logging in with AsyncStorage, I want to redirect to the home page, but I cannot go back to the App function. When I want to go to

Solution 1:

If you are using mobx for state management, create and manage signedIn state in your mobx state tree. when user logs in , you just have to set signedIn state to true. When user logs out, set signedIn to false. No need to use navigation props. When you change your signedIn state, react-navigation component will rerender.

Solution 2:

From the docs:

It's important to note that when using such a setup, you don't need to manually navigate to the Home screen by calling navigation.navigate('Home') or any other method. React Navigation will automatically navigate to the correct screen when isSigned in changes - Home screen when isSignedIn becomes true, and to SignIn screen when isSignedIn becomes false. You'll get an error if you attempt to navigate manually.

So just remove the line:


And replace it with:


Or the MobX equivalent if you use MobX.

Solution 3:

You can try like this

return (
      {signedIn != null ? (
        <Stack.NavigatorscreenOptions={{headerShown:false}}><Stack.Screenname="HomeScreen"component={_homeScreen} /></Stack.Navigator>
      ) : (
        <Stack.NavigatorscreenOptions={{headerShown:false}}><Stack.Screenname="WelcomeScreen"component={_welcomeScreen} /><Stack.Screenname="RegisterScreen"component={_registerScreen} /><Stack.Screenname="LoginScreen"component={_loginScreen} /><Stack.Screenname="ForgotScreen"component={_forgotScreen} /><Stack.Screenname="EmailCodeScreen"component={_emailCodeScreen} /></Stack.Navigator>

Solution 4:

First of all you cant use NavigationContainer twice..I would suggest make two Navigator like this one Login and another AppStack like this! I would just use redux and redux persist with async storage,makes life easier

constApp = () => {
  useEffect(() => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      RNBootSplash.hide({fade: true});
    }, 1000);
  }, []);

constLoginStack = () => {
  return (

          cardStyle: {backgroundColor:colors.BACKGROUND},
          headerTitleStyle: {color: 'transparent'},

          cardStyle: {backgroundColor:colors.BACKGROUND},
          headerTitleStyle: {color: 'transparent'},

constAppStack = () => {
  return (
      {, i) => (

            cardStyle: {backgroundColor:colors.BACKGROUND},
            headerTitleStyle: {color: 'transparent'},
  constAppState = () => {
    const checkLoggedIn = useSelector((state) => state.AuthReducer.loggedIn);
    return<>{checkLoggedIn === false ? <LoginStack /> : <AppStack />}</>;
  return (
    <Providerstore={store}><NavigationContainer><AppState /></NavigationContainer></Provider>


import {applyMiddleware, createStore} from'redux';
import thunk from'redux-thunk';
import {persistStore, persistReducer} from'redux-persist';

import rootReducer from'./index';

// Middleware: Redux Persist Configconst persistConfig = {
  // Rootkey: 'root',
  // Storage Method (React Native)storage: AsyncStorage,
  // Whitelist (Save Specific Reducers)whitelist: ['StickerReducer', 'AuthReducer'],
  // Blacklist (Don't Save Specific Reducers)blacklist: [''],
// Middleware: Redux Persist Persisted Reducerconst persistedReducer = persistReducer(persistConfig, rootReducer);

const middleware = [thunk];

const store = createStore(persistedReducer, applyMiddleware(...middleware));

// Middleware: Redux Persist Persisterlet persistor = persistStore(store);
// Exportsexport {store, persistor};

Auth Reducer

import {ADD_DEVICE_TOEKN, LOGGED_IN} from'./types';

const initialState = {
  loggedIn: false,
  user_Id: '',
  device_token: '',

exportdefaultAuthReducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
      const paylodLoggedIn = action.payload;
      return {
        loggedIn: paylodLoggedIn.loggedIn,
        user_Id: paylodLoggedIn.loggedIn,
      const paylodToken = action.payload;
      return {
        device_token: paylodToken,
      return state;

import {combineReducers} from'redux';

  AuthReducer: AuthReducer,
  StickerReducer: StickerReducer,


import {LOGGED_IN} from'../types';

exportconstLoginAction = (userData) => {
  return(dispatch) => {
      type: LOGGED_IN,
      payload: userData,

Finally login dispacther

import {useDispatch} from'react-redux';
import {LoginAction} from'../../../redux/actions/LoginAction';
constLogin = ({navigation}) => {
  const dispatch = useDispatch();
 return (
<PressableonPress={() =>dispatch(LoginAction(data))}>

Solution 5:

If you wanna trigger the App.js after successfull login ... then You need to wrap your NavigationContainer with React.Context

Your signedIn user is an object I think ... not an array so by initalizing it in state with [] ... if(signedIn != null) will never evaluate to true ++ Make sure you JSON.parse your object after fetching it from AsyncStorage ...

constAuthContext = React.createContext({
    _checkUser: () => {},
  exportconstuseAuth = () => React.useContext(AuthContext);

  const defaultValue = {

  return (
    <AuthContext.Providervalue={defaultValue}><NavigationContainer><Stack.NavigatorscreenOptions={{headerShown:false }}>
          {signedIn ? (
            <Stack.Screenname="HomeScreen"component={_homeScreen} />
          ) : (
            <><Stack.Screenname="WelcomeScreen"component={_welcomeScreen} /><Stack.Screenname="RegisterScreen"component={_registerScreen} /><Stack.Screenname="LoginScreen"component={_loginScreen} /><Stack.Screenname="ForgotScreen"component={_forgotScreen} /><Stack.Screenname="EmailCodeScreen"component={_emailCodeScreen}

In LoginScreen

// Then you refresh you auth user in LoginScreen likeconst { _checkUser } = useAuth();

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