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Javascript. Creating A Dynamic Table Based On A User Input

I'm trying to ask the user through a prompt for a number that is an: integer, greater than 0, and is numeric. I did that with a do while loop and seems to be working correctly. Wit

Solution 1:

Two things:

You need to actually call the function after the prompt, so you need to add a line after your do while:


That still won't work, since the DOM will not be ready (myTableDiv will be undefined), so you need to wrap your entire code in an event listener:

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) { 
    //do work

Solution 2:

Move the <script> code after the

<div id="mytable">   

in <body> so that the element is rendered on DOM while table is being generated and call the function


after you get the number from user.

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