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How To Return Indexeddb Query Result Out Of Event Handler?

I have to return query result from indexedDB, but the result is only available in onsuccess event handler. 1 function listPeople(){ ... 4 var open ='Accord

Solution 1:

you can either use this project:

or you need to wrap indexedDB operation into a promise and thus make the list people asynchronous:

functionlistPeople() {
// ...returnnewPromise(function (resolve, reject) {
    var open ="AccordionDatabase",1),
    open.onsuccess = function() {
      var db = open.result;
      var transaction = db.transaction("PeopleStore", "readwrite");
      var store = transaction.objectStore("PeopleStore");
      var request = store.getAll();
      request.onsuccess = function(event){

      request.onerror = function(event) { reject(event) }

      // Close the db when the transaction is done
      transaction.oncomplete = function() {
      transaction.onerror = function(event) { reject(event) }
    open.onerror = function(event) { reject(event) }

// usage:functiondoWorkWithListedPeople(people) {
  // ...

functionhandleErrorsDuringIndexedDbRequest(event) {
  // ...


// or alsolistPeople().then(function(people) { doWorkWithListedPeople(people) })

The thing is, you create a promise that represents work that will be eventually done. You can tell JS that eventually, when the promise has been resolved (success), you want to then to work with anything that has been passed to resolve. See and for details


furthermore, if you don't like thens, you can make do with async await, which unwraps promises. Just beware, you can only use await keyword from within async function:

async function doStuff() {
  try {
    var people = await listPeople()
    // now you can work with ppl
  catch (err) {
    // handle listPeople errors here

Solution 2:

indexedDB functions are nearly all asynchronous. You should be familiar with writing asynchronous Javascript before using indexedDB.

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