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Access Php Variable Into External Javascript File

I get var value into php code. I want to access it into included test.js file.

Solution 1:

Pass it as a parameter:

<inputtype="submit"onclick="func('<?phpecho$var; ?>');">

in test.js:

   console.log(param); // contents of $var

Or set it globally:

<script>var param = "<?phpecho$var; ?>";

Solution 2:

You can use like this-

?><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><scripttype="text/javascript">var my_id_j = '<?phpecho$var; ?>';
</script><scripttype="text/javascript"src="test.js"></script><!-- AddThis Smart Layers END --></head><inputtype="submit"onclick="func();">  Button </input> //This function call test.js

Here I have added following line before including the test.js.

<scripttype="text/javascript">var my_id_j = '<?phpecho$var; ?>';

In this the variable my_id_j is global variable, will be accessible in test.js

Solution 3:

There are two ways of handling this scenario:

Usual Case: Passing it as an argument in functions


<?php$myvar = 'Hello'; ?>
   // other code

   // and when you are about to call the function:
 <inputtype="submit"onclick="func('<?phpprint$myvar; ?>');">

Rather Special Case: Loading the JS file and replacing a special value.

In the past, there have been cases that I couldn't do the above. I can't recall of any easy example at the moment, but what I have done was this:

<?php$my_var = 'Hello';
   $my_script = file_get_contents('path/to/file.js');
   $my_script = str_replace('%SPECIAL_VALUE%', $my_var, $my_script);

   print'<script type="text/javascript">'.$my_script.'</script>';

And then I was able to simplify my Javascript by doind anything like:

var myvar = '%SPECIAL_VALUE%';


Solution 4:

You will have to pass the variable to javascript first:

<script type="text/javascript">
    var variable = "<?=$_SESSION['my_id'];?>";
<script type="text/javascript" src="test.js"></script>

You can then use it within test.js either as variable or window.variable.

Solution 5:

You could do this:

$var=$_SESSION['my_id'];  // I want to access $var into test.js included below?><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><scripttype="text/javascript>
var myJsVar = "<?phpecho$var;?>";
</script><scripttype="text/javascript"src="test.js"></script><!-- AddThis Smart Layers END --></head><inputtype="submit"onclick="func();">  Button </input> //This function call test.js

Now you can access the var throught myJsVar

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