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Three.js How To Make A Camera Follow A Terrain Heightmap?

I have a terrain mountain range with a camera fly view positioned close to the heightmap. The camera is controlled using standard keyboard controls that doesn't allow movement in y

Solution 1:

In this snippet:

if(distance > 0 && distance < 10){
    camera.position.y= intersections[0].point.y + 20;

...intersections with distance > 10 are ignored, but then the camera moves to +20 above the terrain. I suspect that's why it can't follow terrain as it drops. I'm less sure about the "too steep" issue, but that could be similar... try keeping the raycaster at a height that's above the maximum terrain altitude, rather than at the camera's location.

If the issues persist, you may want to include a live demo or an export of your terrain.

Solution 2:

Copy the camera.position to a vector and raising vector position.y and setting the raycaster to the vectors.

  var castFrom = new THREE.Vector3();
      var castDirection = new THREE.Vector3(0,-1,0);
      var raycaster = new THREE.Raycaster(camera.position.clone(), new THREE.Vector3(0, -1, 0));
        castFrom.y += 1000;
    var intersections = raycaster.intersectObjects( terrain );
     if (intersections.length > 0){
       camera.position.y = intersections[0].point.y+20;

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