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Showing posts from March, 2023

Why Isn't My Evaluate Function Being Called On Click?

I am new to JS so please bear with me :) below is the code but on clicking it does not trigger the … Read more Why Isn't My Evaluate Function Being Called On Click?

CSS/JS/Jquery - Flex Items For Responsive Screen Sizes

I have a site with 3 items in my navigation which I want to remain on one line. The first is the m… Read more CSS/JS/Jquery - Flex Items For Responsive Screen Sizes

ReactJS: React-Router Pass Value To Another Page

I have need to pass a value from a page to another using react-router. I have tried in this way: … Read more ReactJS: React-Router Pass Value To Another Page

Angular Ternary Expression That Runs More Than One Line Of Code

so I have this example of code, in one of my forms, it works perfectly. ng-submit=' comment… Read more Angular Ternary Expression That Runs More Than One Line Of Code

How Do I Pass The Date Range Selected In The Daterangepicker To A Variable Or Back To My Input Textbox In Javascript?

My javascript below using preset ranges for DateRangePicker - I need to pass the selected start and… Read more How Do I Pass The Date Range Selected In The Daterangepicker To A Variable Or Back To My Input Textbox In Javascript?

Control Which Css Media Queries Are Applied Via Javascript

Is a there way to control which css media query a browser obeys using javascript? For example, if h… Read more Control Which Css Media Queries Are Applied Via Javascript

Customizing JQuery Selectmenu Dropdown Button On After Item Selected?

I'm looking to create a dropdown for colors that has each color as a small square next to the i… Read more Customizing JQuery Selectmenu Dropdown Button On After Item Selected?

React SVG Component As Background-image To Div

I am trying to get styled-components to take an SVG that is a react component and set it as a backg… Read more React SVG Component As Background-image To Div

InnerHTML Linebreaks With A String That Is Very Long With Line Breaks, Coming From A MYSQL Query

I have a for loop in which I am printing out content on a web page. Anything with a line break in t… Read more InnerHTML Linebreaks With A String That Is Very Long With Line Breaks, Coming From A MYSQL Query

HTML5 Generating Video From Images

i'm wondering, since HTML and with javascript are mesmerizing together, if there is a solutio… Read more HTML5 Generating Video From Images

JavaScript Floating Point Precision Issue

I am encountering a floating point precision issue, does anybody know why this happens? Why is it t… Read more JavaScript Floating Point Precision Issue

How To Append To Certain Line Of File?

I want to append to a file but I want to start appending before tag end. appears. How can I do tha… Read more How To Append To Certain Line Of File?

Pass Variable From Express To Client JavaScript

Ultimately I'm trying to pass JSON data from the Node server to be used by D3 in the client. He… Read more Pass Variable From Express To Client JavaScript

Blur Event Handler Is Blocked By Jquery PreventDefault() Method

I'm working on an interactive web application, currently set up on… Read more Blur Event Handler Is Blocked By Jquery PreventDefault() Method

Apply Jquery Mobile Only A Portion Of Page?

I have a sample page which we have design very well. Now, we need to use jquery mobile only a porti… Read more Apply Jquery Mobile Only A Portion Of Page?

ChartJS Not Displaying Time Data Using Moment.js

I am trying to map out a series of data points on a given day by the hour. Not every hour is includ… Read more ChartJS Not Displaying Time Data Using Moment.js

Show Loading Image After Click Button And Page Load

i got a problem in my project. I have 2 webpage, webpage xxx for the input and webpage yyy for the … Read more Show Loading Image After Click Button And Page Load

AngularJS Service Only Running The First Time Controller Is Used

I have the following controller that uses a service Customers to return customers. The problem is t… Read more AngularJS Service Only Running The First Time Controller Is Used

Node JS : Error With After Res.render()

I'm beginning with Node JS, and I get an error : Error: Can't set headers after they are … Read more Node JS : Error With After Res.render()

How To Parse Xml With Special Character? Specifically For Ampersand

I am getting data from text box and change it into xml format and store it in data base. For allowi… Read more How To Parse Xml With Special Character? Specifically For Ampersand

How Can I Implement The Pop Out Functionality Of Chat Windows In GMail?

I'm not looking for a full implementation, I'm more interested in how they do it. I know t… Read more How Can I Implement The Pop Out Functionality Of Chat Windows In GMail?

How To Return An Observable From Service In Angular After Chaining Pipe Operations

I'm trying to chain / pipe operations and return an Observable from a Service in angular which … Read more How To Return An Observable From Service In Angular After Chaining Pipe Operations

Canada Post AddressComplete On "populate" Not Working

I'm trying to use Canada Post's Address Complete on my form as such var fields = [ … Read more Canada Post AddressComplete On "populate" Not Working

How To Let A Submit Button In A Form Do Something Before Executing The Action Of The Form

Good evening, i have a HTML form that contains a submit button that does something other than execu… Read more How To Let A Submit Button In A Form Do Something Before Executing The Action Of The Form

How To Call A View Helper Method In JavaScript Using Rails 3.1

I'm working on a simple app that needs to render a time. But the time must be formatted the way… Read more How To Call A View Helper Method In JavaScript Using Rails 3.1

Add Input Fields Dynamically But Fields Are Generated By External PHP Functions

This question might seem like a repeat, but I really couldn't find something similar. Things wo… Read more Add Input Fields Dynamically But Fields Are Generated By External PHP Functions