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Showing posts from February, 2023

Preload Javascript And Css Files

I'm currently developing a mobile website which is heavy on the images, css and javascript (it … Read more Preload Javascript And Css Files

AJAX Call Not Firing After 5 Keystrokes

Why does this require more than 5 keystrokes before firing? $( document ).ready(function() { $(&… Read more AJAX Call Not Firing After 5 Keystrokes

Javascript Game, Module Raphael Not Defined

I am developing a game engine here: But now, for some reason, i… Read more Javascript Game, Module Raphael Not Defined

How To Export CreateStackNavigator As Class In React Native?

I read here that using the the createStackNavigator as a Component class was possible, and I was tr… Read more How To Export CreateStackNavigator As Class In React Native?

Rails 5, Cocoon Gem - Nested Form Inside Nested Form

I am trying to use cocoon gem to build nested forms. I have models for Organisation, Package::Bip … Read more Rails 5, Cocoon Gem - Nested Form Inside Nested Form

Access To Elements Of JSON Array Of Objects

My data on server is in the form of JSON array of objects. If I want to print the first object, how… Read more Access To Elements Of JSON Array Of Objects

Cannot Read Property 'mData' Of Undefined For A Simple Table

Please guide as to what I'm doing wrong! Javascript: Read more Cannot Read Property 'mData' Of Undefined For A Simple Table

WebdriverJS Set Viewport Size

I want to launch chrome browser with viewport size of some resolution , for example 800x600 , I tri… Read more WebdriverJS Set Viewport Size

Links Between Cells Are Not "flat" - JointJS

When I drag my 'table' cells around, most of the time connections are flat / leveled (like … Read more Links Between Cells Are Not "flat" - JointJS

How To Parse JavaScript Using Nokogiri And Ruby

I need to parse an array out of a website. The part of the JavaScript I want to parse looks like th… Read more How To Parse JavaScript Using Nokogiri And Ruby

Angular-cli Not Generating Typescript Files With --dev Option

Using angular-cli: 1.0.0-beta.14, node: 6.6.0, os: win32 x64. Of course, this is the webpack versio… Read more Angular-cli Not Generating Typescript Files With --dev Option

Are There Any More Operators Like ~ When Querying Data In Firebase

I notice the '~' sign in the firebase documentation here var ref = new Firebase('https:… Read more Are There Any More Operators Like ~ When Querying Data In Firebase

Reference Multiple Js Files In A Single Line In A Html File

Is there an easy way to reference all js files in an HTML file rather than referencing it one by on… Read more Reference Multiple Js Files In A Single Line In A Html File

Json.dump Not Converting Python List To JS Array

When I attempt to pass a python list through to JavaScript in the template it doesn't parse the… Read more Json.dump Not Converting Python List To JS Array

Problems With Positioning Slider Under Nav-bar Css Html

I am trying to create a nav-bar and slider using CSS and HTML however when I try to position the sl… Read more Problems With Positioning Slider Under Nav-bar Css Html