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Icheck.js And Meteor App

I'm trying to integrate iCheck on an Meteor app. Have anyone a clue how to integrate another JS libraries on Meteor apps?.

Solution 1:

This is what I did.

I added the js file (jquery.icheck.min.js) to client/lib to make it load first then I put the css (skins folder) in the public/ folder at the app root.

In order to load the skin (css files) I added this line to the app.html at the <head>

 <link href="/skins/minimal/blue.css" rel="stylesheet">

To initialize the iCheck on my controls I put this function on Template rendered function:

Template.dataForm.rendered = function(){
  if(!this._rendered) {
      checkboxClass: 'icheckbox_minimal-blue',
      radioClass: 'iradio_minimal-blue',
      increaseArea: '20%'

and voila.

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