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User Controls In Prefixing String To Child Controls Causing Problem To Refer Them In Javascript

I have user control in which there are text boxes no i am using the AJAX to populate the child controls dynamically however appending some string to child controls causing

Solution 1:

You will need to refer to those controls like this:

// typical way
var element1 = document.getElementById("<%= control.ClientID %>");
// jquery way
var element2 = $("#<%= control.ClientID %>");

Solution 2:

Look at using someControl.ClientId, which will give you the ASP.NET generated id of the control. Using this Id you will be able to correctly target the element via javascript.

Solution 3:

Use jquery to select the item using something like $("[id$='CWRCompanyId']"), this basically looks for id's that end with your expected ID.

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