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Algolia Redirect To Search Results

I'm having problem with redirecting search results to page that I want to display results. Want to have search bar in header so that my results are displayed on results page or som

Solution 1:

Redirecting users to a page in JavaScript is as easy as doing

window.location = 'your_url_here'

If you're just looking to redirect to a /search?q=query page when the user types Enter, that's as easy as wrapping the input you're using inside a form.

<form action="/search" method="GET">
  <input type="search" id="your-input" name="q" />

If you want to redirect to an item page, the typeahead:select event gives you the selected option :

  .typeahead(/* ... */)
  .on('typeahead:select', function (e, suggestion) {
    window.location = suggestion.url;

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